The Woman in the Mirror
Good morning friends, I saw this on another board and thought it was so meaningful. Hope you all enjoy it!!
The Woman in the Mirror
Walking past the mirrored glass,
I take a timid peek,
I see a woman staring back,
I'm too choked up to speak.
The puffiness, at last, is gone,
The skin is pink and glowing,
The many pounds that melted off,
Finally, is showing.
Hard to believe, till recently,
This same woman was dying,
Stuffing food to ease the pain,
Heartbroken and crying.
Life revolved around each snack,
She lived for every meal,
Anything to numb the hurt,
She didn't want to feel.
When did she get so pretty?
When did God remove the grief ?
How did this miracle happen?
Who provided the relief ?
What a gift! A second chance!
I thank God every day,
For His grace in showing me,
There IS a better way.
I walk, I dance, I make love too,
My heart is filled with gladness,
I'm out of bondage, out of pain,
There is no room for sadness.
This woman in the mirror,
Smiles softly back at me,
She has good cause to be so pleased,
She's finally been set free.
-- Author Unknown

Hi Cathy, thank you -- for the sweet compliment!!
Knee is good. I think if the conference had been two more weeks I could have made it!! I'm actually walking without any thing - no cane, walker, crutch!! A little stiff legged but it's okay. I'm doing well in physical therapy, and I can see progress so I'm happy. I still have trouble sleeping at night with some pain and need to take the pain pills but I only do it at night not during the day. I'm okay, slow but sure. Thanks for asking!

Hey Sweetie,
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I had not read it before and it is so true for all of us that have gone through this wonderful transformation. Sometimes it's hard to believe and other times it's hard to believe that we were ever that person hid beneath the fat. I am now free from the body that once held me back. Looking good is a fringe benefit but feeling good....that is the true prize!!!
Lots of Love

Excellent! Thanks for sharing it, Donna Mae.
Hope your knee is getting better each and every day.
I love the poem but I got short-changed on the pink and glowing skin. I look a bit pale and drawn. Guess I need blush, eh? LOL. Lab work on the 16th for my 18 month check-up. Hopefully all is well.
Smooches, K

Hi Kathy, by the way, your new picture - beautiful!! You and Rich look very elegant.
Yes my knee is improving every day. There for a while I was worried (bet you couldn't tell!!), but I'm coming along.
I got short changed on some of the poem too but nailed a few of them!! Good luck on the lab - can't believe it's been 18 months!!