Cards for Tink!!
Hey, everybody! I just got back from New Orleans late last night---I had a blast! I just can't figure out where all those darn beads came from!
Just talked to Nat--she's checked in at the NIH. They will be doing surgery on Nov. 13 to remove the tumor on her adrenal gland.
Just thought that everyone might like to send her a card, so here's the address:
Natalie Carden
#10 Center Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20892-1768
Thanks, y'all!

Hey JoAnn,
Thanks for the info....I was hoping to hear from Natalie today but not a word. I'm sure she's been up to her neck in test. I am planning on going up to see her this Sat. I have plans for a lunch date with an old friend and while up that way we are going to drop in to visit for a little while.
I sure am going to miss talking to her. We had our chats just about everyday. If not over the phone then definitely on line. I am just happy she is finally getting the help she needs. If you talk to her, let her know she is in my prayers each and every day.
Lots of Love