Quick response from Aetna, but not good!
Keeping my fingers crossed!
I am pretty upset right now!
Lola called from Dr. W's office. She is wonderful! I knew immediately though from the way she asked me if I had a minute to talk that there was no good news. AETNA DENIED, yep - DENIED me! They said that my BMI was 38.9 (over the rquired 35 with a comorbidity) but since my BP is controlled by my meds, they were denying me. Lola said, basically they are telling me to gain weight, then I can have the surgery, which makes no sense. I pointed out to Lola that my body scan calculated my height to be 5'4.5" rather than 5'6" that I was claiming before. So that in combination with a weight of 242 gives me a BMI of 41.1 - over the required 40. She agreed that the body scan would definitely be the most accurate measure of my height and said she would make sure that Dr. Wohlgemuth was armed with this info on Tuesday when he makes a face-to-face appeal to the insurance doc. He doesn't understand why I would be denied in the first place because the national standard is BMI >35 with High BP. Hopefully they'll get it straightened out on Tuesday, I'll get my approval, and have surgery very soon. I'm definitely saying some prayers tonight! Please say some for me too!

I am sorry to hear that you were denied. Good things come to those who wait. I am proof of that. I have been trying for 2 years to get this done. I haven't been approved but my new insurance only requires that I get a referral from the Dr. Enough about me. I hope that all goes well with the appeal. Best of luck to you.

Thanks, Corinn. I am being patient, I've got my chin up, and I'm not cryin' yet. I feel confident that my surgeon will get this taken care of soon. If not, I guess I'll just go on a food frenzy, gain the few pounds that I need to, and then get approved. I hope all goes well for you with your new insurance!
Hey Robin,
I know first hand exactly how you're feeling. It's very frustrating and I've been there too. Over and over I was denied but I wouldn't give up. Just hang in there and it will happen for you. If there is anything I can do, don't hesistate to call. I too will say an extra prayer for you tonight. Not only that your approve will come but that God will give you grace until then.
Lots of Love
Thanks so much for your support, Kathy. I'm so glad you didn't give up 'cause look at you now. You are doing so well. Thank you too for your prayers. I am not going to give up - I have faith in my surgeon fighting the good fight for me, and if that doesn't work, then I'll appeal until I get it. It means so much to know that I have the support of all of my OH family.
Thanks Again,