THURSDAY night details for Lexington!
Hello friends,
Let's talk dinner, Thursday night, in Lexington, shall we? The reservations (for 15) are IN place and 'can' be adjusted higher, if need be. Right now, we have 12 "for sures" and 3 "strong maybes" depending on when they can get into town.
If you're on the list below - then you are a DEFINITE YES, please let me know if that's changed, since I don't want to tie up chairs that other patrons could be using. lol, what can I say, its that "small business" owner in me.
Leilani (pronounced "Lay-laa-knee")
Natalie (Tinkerbelle)
Patty S.
Christina + 1 (sorry, didn't get your hubby's name)
Jacqueline Thodus
Cathy A.
Danna Barr (meeting us there)
Loris (Nancy) D.
Delores S. (meeting us there)
Jane M.
Kathy T
+ 3 - strong maybes, depending on when they get into town.
Also, I rec'd an email from a couple of the men from the "MENS BOARD" here on OH. It would appear that a few of them have also planned a dinner at Asian Wind (what are the odds, huh? I thought it was one of those "meant to be" kinda moments). There reservation is for 6:30, so we'll be 'visiting' with others while we're there having our meal.
lol - I offered to combine reservations but methinks the guys are looking forward to some male bonding (oh, and maybe a word edgewise? lol). So we're keeping our reservations/tables separate - but will be throwing napkins and food at each other through out the meal, I'm sure.
Several people on the above list do NOT have cars and will need to ride with those of us that do. For that reason, I HIGHLY suggest that we meet in the LOBBY of the hotel ....NO LATER then 6:30. The directions I printed to the restaurant says it's 5 miles up the road from the hotel and it's a straight shot.
Keep in mind, I get lost pulling out of my driveway here at the house - oh, and Im blind as a bat, at night!
Soooooooooooo, that being said, would others ALSO do mapquest on this restaurant? If ya'll were part of the "Tobacco Company" dinner I organized (about 60 of us showed up for it) ...I printed a gazillion maps and passed them out to everybody.
The ONLY car to get lost? [sigh] ...ours! Everyone else was at the restaurant and had ordered by the time the "organizer" of the event showed up.
Trust me - print directioins!
Hotel Address:
Radisson Hotel
(859) 231-9000
Restaurant Address:
Asian Wind Restaurant
Harrodsburg Road Corridor
3735 Palomar Centre Dr # 107 (Man O War Blvd)
Per Dana Barr (a local to 'tucky) ....the basic route starts on the road right outside our hotel (on the FOUNTAIN side) called "Broadway" ....eventually changes names and becomes "Harrodsburg" ...the restaurant is in a small strip/grocery mall - AFTER "Man of War Blvd" on the right hand side.
Dress Code is: Dressy Casual
I take that to mean, dress jeans are fine, but probably no T-shirts? I'll either be in black slacks, or dress jeans, with a sparkly kinda top. Oh, and a BIG ol' fluffy (fake fur) winter coat. Rumor has it it's FREEZING out there!!
IF for some reason, our convoy (Natalie, Patty, and myself) are running behind - we'll call ONE of you on this list, so you can alert those in the lobby.
Sooooooooo - have I pretty much answered all your questions? If not, hollar at me. DRIVE SAFE (or FLY SAFE) depending on how you're traveling, can't wait to see all of you again, and or meet some of you for the first time!
Lei [nope, I'm NOT proofing this beast]
For those that are joining us for dinner on SATURDAY, I will NOT be firming anything up, including reservations, until after I'm at the convention - there are too many people that are interested - but the numbers are still a moving target. Hopefully it can all be hammered out while I'm there - otherwise Im sneaking off to Mickey-D's and gettin' a BIG MAC - [draggin' DeeDee with me] !!