I recieved this link today and thought it may be important
Hey all.....
I understand where everyone is coming from when you say that not everyone that has WLS has an addiction....of any kind....that is like saying the most of the worlds population has an addiction of some sort. I recieved this link from a fellow WLS'er through an email and they are fighting through an alcohol addiction as we speak. They just got out of the hospital from detox, that is how bad it got. They put it out there as an informational statement only, from one who knows where transfer of addictions can lead, if not followed carefully. I know I quit smoking 3 months before surgery, and 1 month after I started again. Why? Cause I sat on my couch one night almost in tears cause I couldnt eat, I couldnt drink (Like I drank much anyways before surgery, it was about 4 times a year) and I couldnt smoke. So, I picked smoking back up to help me through, and now I am regretting it. I didnt know Oprah was going to have a program on today about all of this, but this truly came from the heart, as when I read the email yesterday, it almost brought me to tears that this person has had such a rough time of it. And if this one little article can help one person that may be in the denial stages of an addiction of ANY kind, then I think it is well worth me posting about.......Ok, off my soap box now, I truly dont want to cause a debate cause I do smoke and I do drink, although I am trying to give up the latter at this point, cause it causes me more harm than good, and I know this.
So, again, to those that posted, I truly miss you guys and hope that one day our paths will cross again.......

Hey Girl,
Thanks for sharing the article. I think it is really important info for everyone to read.
Miss you lots...I have been MIA lately too...Dan comes home in a few weeks...and I am homeschooling...so I don't have a lot of time...but am here when I can be.
Hope things are ok your way! Don't be a stranger!