Whine Whine Whine
Hey Dianna, I've missed YOU!! By the way, how is Julie doing - I think of her often and wonder how she is. Yeah, it's nice to be at 'normal' although I'm not sure it will last since I think it is just from being out of my schedule of eating. Plus, like I told Wendy, I don't think I look healthy so I don't know how that will be. I mean I don't think I look healthy probably regardless of what I weigh, but right now I look too frail I think., But maybe once I get some color and back to normal it will be okay.
Take care, and hi to Julie,

Hi Honey, yeah, pass me some cheese!! How are you you beautiful girl you!! Hey Christine, am I doing this right? I just requested you as a friend, now what happens?? Do you approve it or something? Or do I do something else. I hate this new system!! I don't even know what the point of it is. Oh, and that's another thing, when I'm whinning, I'm cranky!! And people think I'm sweet -- ha ha, I am definitely not sweet. I'm a brat!