A reminder for women...
A reminder...
Often as the years go by...after we have had our babies...we forget how important it is to take care of ourselves. We get SO wrapped up in taking care of our family...that we often come last.
Tell every woman you know how important it is to get their yearly Pap and exam done! My husband's aunt had back pain. She was admitted to the hospital a couple of weeks ago and never left. She died on Friday apparently of cancer that originated in her female organs and spread. She was 38, and had not had an exam in about 10 years according to family. Now, her husband is in shock...as are her kids. Makes you want to hug every woman you know...and tell her to do it...if not for herself...but for her family! I have never met this woman...but my heart grieves knowing that her family is suffering...over something that could have been prevented!
Take care of yourself!!!

Amen! I skipped a year, and intended to get in for a PaP in July. Couldn't get it together after Cody died to go. But, the ole body took over and MADE me go--now I am scheduled for surgery on Nov. 9. No cancer, though.
In addition to getting those exams, everyone should get their eye pressure checked. that is my next big deal. I haven't had it done in several years, and my mom had severe glaucoma. I run around putting out physiological fires. But, getting it done.
Thank you for the posting Stephanie!

Hey Stephanie,
I'm so sorry to hear about your husbands aunt, how tragic!
but... What an awesome reminder! I have avoided scheduling my yearly for a few weeks now, but I will, tomorrow. I went 10 years without a pap, due to obesity, and the trauma involved in the "physical". I promised myselft after WLS that I wouldn't go another year without a routine exam, and I intend to keep that promise.
Thanks for helping us remember to take care of ourselves!