Haven't been around lately...I am back
Betsy I am so sorry you have not been feeling well. I had noticed that you have not been on line as much as you used to be. I hope they find that these spots are nothing significant and you can get on with your life. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope to see you in January if I don't see you before.....
Hi Sweetie...How are you doing? I have been thinking about you often. We all have to go through the valleys of life to get to the top of the mountain, huh? Bad things do happen for a reason! I am keeping a positive attitude about all this...what more can anyone do? I am just getting old...hehe..
Hi, Sweetie
I called you earlier while we were on the Potomac Eagle train in West Virginia. Everyone had gone to the open air observation car and I didn't feel like it - Jim saikd you were at the library.
I am soooo sorry you are still not feeling good. It's not fair...
I think you need to come up here and we can both fall apart together!!! I agree with JoAnn - I think we need a Mother Clucker night! I could use it too!!
Did you get the note I sent you? I will give you a call tomorrow afternoon. I'm about to crash right now.
I miss you!

Hi my fav Mother Clucker....I think I am used to not feeling good...I think it is the age. LOL I have not recieved a note from you but if you mailed it, I will probably get it on Monday. A Mother Clucker night is just what we all need...that was so much fun. Yeah, I went to the library...can't get enough books...reading Terri Blackstone now...she is great. We are going to Henderson, NC to see Jim's Dad so if i
am not home when u call leave your number and I will call you back....I love you...betsy
Hi Betsy,
I have MS, and thought maybe if you went to MSWorld and posted some of your symptoms that might help you have a better idea of what's going on. Honestly I think those "going through it" know more than the doctors do - mention a crazy Sx to a doc, and they'll tell you it can't happen or be part of MS - post it on that board, and you'll have 20 responses!
So glad you're back - wish you were feeling better. Hang in there,