Hi all
Just a little note to say Hi and hope everyone is doing ok. Tonight is a special night for me as I graduated from Medical Careers as a Medical Assistant with a
AAS degree. I made it hurray for me. :d:
for joy. Happy birthday to all of the October people me included. I did my profile still having some problems with it but will keep working on it.

Momma it was really kewl watching you this pm walk across that stage. Even kewler that there were four generations there to see it as well...your daddy...you & my daddy, me and our buggas. We saw you come through the door tears in your eyes and Kayla said "HEY GRANDMA" was just awesome! So, watching you get your degree is just something else. I know how hard you've worked for it and now can really get a job you LIKE. You should be REALLY proud of yourself!
Love ya,

Thank you sweetheart. I was so proud to have most of my family there with me to see me walk across that stage and I love you all so much. I am going to see that all of my grandkids can get that feeling of walking and doing what they love to do. When Kayla yelled hey grandma I felt so proud and happy. I made it all 14 months and I feel so good you will not know how good I really feel right now.I want to shout it out to the whole world.