IF I had bothered to take into consideration that October is single handedly my busiest month at work, and that my faithful Assistand DOS was taking her 2.5 week annual sojourn to California to clear her mind...I'd have realized that the last three weeks was NOT the time to promise conference registration to the January event!!!
And I can't hate technology TOO much since it is "technically" what brought us all together in the first place... BUT the day after Laura came back, our computer system crashed at the office (coincidence I am sure) SO that was an adventure in and of itself.
So between busting my hump at work and not being able to get away at all, the crash, and the busy after work schedule of the Jewish Holidays, the football practices with my son until 9 PM weeknights, the Board meetings for various boards I sit on...
I need a massage.
OK- Progress is being made! During this week I have managed to open my new bank account to start the process and have even signed up for paypal, which is how I am doing the reg. this time... NOW to coordinate with my web guru to make it all appear magically on so you can all register!! I THINK it's safe to promise by mid to late next week, giving you all 2 months to register before the cut-off.
Thanks for your patience - I know many of you have made plane reservations and I have been swamped with e-mails asking about the registration- so I am VERY EXCITED that this will be our biggest gathering yet!!!
NOTE TO SUPPORT GROUP LEADERS!! Please thank your members for their patience for me - I promise them a weekend they will remember forever!!!
OH! THE HOTEL ROOMS ARE READY TO BE RESERVED! Call 1-804-359-9441 and ask to reserve a room in the stapledup winter conference, January 19-21, 2007. The room rate is $79.oo plus tax. The venue is once again Holiday Inn Central in Richmond, Virginia.
Have a great weekend (I have two fall festivals to attend, a juvenile diabetes walk, sunday school with the kids and a body to get to a gym...OH! And an area of my yard to till as I attempt to reclaim some grass by spring.) OY!
What conference????
., what?? WHAT???? I'm kidding!!!!!
Hey? Is there a discount rate for the suites? Uh, not that my limited income self should even be asking, but assuming I can get several of my girly-friends to go with me in January, a Suite might work better.
LMAO - of course, if NO one comes with me, I'd like the rates on the broom closet too, please.