This Ludicrous New System!!

on 10/18/06 1:53 pm - Rockbridge Co., VA
Tink was kind enough to switch my profile for me and respruce it. I noticed some of the profile was cut off at the bottom. I just tried to add the missing parts--namely my posts after Aug 12 of this year--and the dad-blamed thing won't take it! OH people want to blog, go a-durn-head. I give up on the profile stuff. If the powers that be want us to have profiles, they can provide profile space instead of this idiotic Myspace foolishness! Also, when I click REPLY to respond to a message, the message appears as indecipherable CODE in the text window. GOOD JOB. Who in the world needs yet another hassle? Not me! Guess I will have to be satisfied with the remnant we have remaining. Good thing I can contact my OH friends via other means. UNhappy Camper, Lois
on 10/18/06 8:15 pm - hopewell, VA
hang in there girl!!! i too can't seem to figure this ***** out!!! myspace is much easier lol!!! hopefully someday we will get it.. Holly
Naomi Z.
on 10/18/06 8:16 pm - Killeen, TX
awwwwwwwww SVS, Seeing I didn't start working on mine till after the switch Im not sure what the changes really are.If you ever need a hand with something let me know..I don't know all the kinks of the profile system but I been playing with them so maybe I would be able to help ya. Naomi
on 10/19/06 2:42 am - Rockbridge Co., VA
I am Old School--what is SVS? Lois
(deactivated member)
on 10/18/06 8:52 pm -'Beach, VA, Lois? How do you really feel? hmmmm? I understand the flusterpation, trust me, everytime I open a "new" profile under the new format, I start breaking out in sweat. Still don't know how the hell I'm going to find time to transfer FOUR YEARS OF DATA to the new format. I find it hard to believe that all the "old formats" will be phased out to never never land - seems like a lot of VERY valuable information, from some old timers (5, 10 years out) will disappear with the conversion. I certainly hope not, but that's the gist of what Ive read on the main board. [sigh] ...if you take the plunge and figure it out before me, feel free to hold me hand and lead the way. In the grand scheme of things, CHANGE IS A WONDERFUL THING, and major kudos to OH for trying to stay abreast with all the 'new' stuff out on the internet. I just wish they wouldn't toss us FOSSILS (er, okay, so I'm the relic, not everyone else) aside if we don't conform. lol, and for once, my NOT conforming has nothing to do with being stubborn. Lei (applying for one of those unhappy camper hats)
Sporty Jill
on 10/18/06 9:42 pm - Norfolk, VA
Hey Girl......How the heck are ya???????? Jill
(deactivated member)
on 10/18/06 10:51 pm -'Beach, VA
G'morning Jill ~ long time no SEE!!!!!! I'm doing great, staying busy busy busy - or at least trying too? It's the only way these next six months will go by at at least a turtles pace, verses a the slower snail. Just got back from the all ladies cruise - came back with absolutely NO VOICE! LOL, yah yah, so hard to believe, since Im normally so quiet and shy, I know. I guess I really never did stop talking, hollarin, screaming, cheering, etc - the entire time. It was absolutely THE BEST TRIP I've ever been on and I highly recommend that EVERY woman do just a "girlfriend" trip, several times in their life. I'm FINALLY getting my voice back, as of this morning. I now can croak out a few words and sound remotely froggy, ahem, in a sexy way of course. [Kermit might be interested to know this?] How about you, how the heck are YOU???????? Hugs - Lei
Sporty Jill
on 10/19/06 2:03 am - Norfolk, VA
Hanging in there. Busy as usual. Almost TOO busy. Just ended the Government Fiscal Year, so my life is getting back to somewhat normal now.Weightloss is still going fairly well. Only 2 pounds from my goal weight, and of course I hit a stall this week (UGH!). But, it's all good, cause I lost 3 pounds last week. Funny how the words "skinny" and "tiny" are being use to describe ME. Everytime I hear it, I look around trying to figure out who they are talking about (hehehe). It's that whole head thing! Got the word, that my son, Sean, is deploying to Iraq next month. So, I'm reparing for another trip to NC and for holding my breath for a long time (6 - 9 months). But, he came home last weekend to hang with his dear old mother. We had a good time. Just stinks that he will be gone for his 21st B-day, the holidays AND John's Commissioning. Dang it! Glad to hear that you had a BLAST! The girl thing is definately fun. And YES! I CAN imagine that you lost your voice. HAHA! So, Paul has finally left the building? DANG! Oh well.....we'll just party-on! HAHA Jill 263/147/145 (my goal)/135 (doc's goal...AND I MAY ACTUALLY MAKE IT THERE!)
Kathy & Rich
on 10/19/06 6:47 am - Fairfax, VA
My coworker's son just returned from his tour in Iraq. He called Tuesday from the tarmack in Maine. They weren't off the plane yet so they hadn't dropped down to kiss US soil yet. I'm sure that most did. He was thrilled when the transport landed in Germany. He was thrilled to see the scenery. He was thrilled that he could communicate with the people in some semblance of mutual communication. And most of all he was thrilled not to see anymore sand. Will be thinking about your son. Hugs, Kathy
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/06 8:36 pm -'Beach, VA
Aaaaw Jill - I'm SO SORRY to hear about your son heading to IRAQ. Yes, I realize that's what our men and women sign up for when they take on the heroic task of defending our country and I'm sure you and John are VERY PROUD (rightfully so) but it still doesn't make it easy to face. I can't imagine ALL the emotions you both must be experiencing. Hell, my heart skipped several beats just reading it. Bless you, sweet lady - I know what it's like to send a son in harms way. Keoni was in the Navy for 5 years (six total, but one was schooling) and they had him stationed the entire time in Japan. Of course, Korea has "never played nice with others" but it was during the time frame when they were acting up the most, making the loudest threats, etc, and I sat on pins and needles the entire time. When the 7th Fleet (KittyHawk and it's entire grouping) left Japan, I still couldn't breath any long sighs of relief, because they always sent them out to the Middle East, it seemed. Thankfully, you (like I) come from a long line of military, which doesn't make it any easier, but it helps to condition us, I suppose? Extra big hugs to your son from me, please, let him know that what he's doing is SO VERY MUCH APPRECIATED and he'll be in my thoughts and prayers for a very speedy and SAFE return. Oh, then have your son give YOU a big hug from me - it's NOT easy being a military mom and wife!! J MAJOR congrats on the weight loss - hot damn, two pounds from goal? LOL, will I just walk right by your cute self the next time I see you? Probably. Make sure to stick a foot out and trip me. Although I'd "like" to lose another 15 pounds while Paul's gone, I'll be just THRILLED to maintain the weight I'm at over the winter months. Winter is as good as WEIGHT GAIN in my damn book. Hate the "hibernation" mode I go into ...growing up on the islands, I'm ALLERGIC to cold weather, lol, what??? I am. I hate "layers" which is what we have to wear to stay thawed out, I hate closed covered shoes, my feet feel like they're suffocating, so rather then conform and stay warm, I just tend to stay indoors. NOT a good combination if grazing is in the mix. I finally got OFF the 22 pounds I gained last year and I'll be damned if Im gonna let it come back for another visit. Sooooooooooooooo, like I said, my goal is to lose another 10 or 15, in the next six months, which may or may not happen - but I think if I'm at least "trying" for that goal, it'll help to keep me from GAINING any. Uh, right? LOL, we'll see. Oh, and leave it up to you to bring up SUSHI on a day that I won't even be in town!!!!!!!!! Good grief, are we jinxed or what? Wish I could join you next Friday, and I still can, if you're willing to drive out to Lexington, KY to have Sushi with me? LOL, have to wonder if the rednecks, er, I guess we're in blue grass country, so the BlueNecks even know how to make sushi? Anyway - I'll be leaving next Wed. and will be gone till late Sunday. I'm home again, till November 13th - then I'm flying to Florida to spend five days with Lynda (from the Florida board, although she's posted on ours a time or two) ...really sweet lady, we've been friends, courtesy of the boards and a few gatherings for about 5 years now. I'm really looking forward to being in her back yard (Orlando and Miami) and trying all the BIG PARKS with her (Universal, Disney, Busch, Seaworld)'s one vacation that I really can say, that I should NOT gain any weight. Gonna be too much walking going on. Anyway - maybe we can meet for lunch/dinner some time between when I get back from Lexington (28th of Oct) and before I leave for Florida (Nov. 13)? LOL, can you tell I'm trying to cram pack my next six months with stuff to keep me busy? Figure if I can plan a trip of some sort every 2 to 3 weeks the time my man is gone should (hopefully) go faster. Okay - Ive rambled enough for one email - once again, big hugs to your son (and you) ...I KNOW this is a very difficult time for all of you. Hugs - Lei
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