Shoulder Surgery / Cruise Update
Okay...thanks for letting me vent yesterday...
It made me feel!
Now the good news bad news...I called the cruise people and I can't cancel because I wouldn't get all my money back - only like 1/8 of it because it is less than 30 days... so...being the crafty woman that I am...
I called my surgeon's office...told him my dilema...and he said he would still do the surgery on the 24th (Tuesday)...out-patient and I will have to come in to the office on November 2nd...and then I will be able to go on the cruise the next morning!!!

After I posted yesterday I also got my bikini's I ordered off the internet for the cruise. They are so little!! It is so weird to think that I actually fit in them!! I will have Jon take pictures on the cruise. They don't look too bad...except for the tops? Is anyone good at ideas on how to creative tucking with what's left of the girls? They need serious help!!!
Thanks everyone...I needed you guys all a world that doesn't quite get it!!!

Me too!! Thanks a bunch Cathy. I talked to my dad yesterday too - he said after his even though his was immobilized for the 4-6 weeks like mine will be he still worked on his elbow - because he didn't want it to get stiff. He has full range of motion of it I guess it worked!! As stubborn as I am - I will probably do the same!
Thanks again!
Jill that is such wonderful news that you do not have to cancel the cruise!!!!
Your shoulder might not be too bad once you have a couple of weeks to get over some of the pain.....and the sun will help it!! Keep the muscles warm lol!!
Sorry I can't help with tucking the girls up - mine are at that stage now - I just roll them into my bra!!!
That is what is so great about this group - we do understand each others problems.....!!
Enjoy the cruise - I am betting you will have a ball!!
Hi, Jackie - I do the same with the girls...but with the bikini top - there's nothing to cover it up...Jon says don't worry about it - there will be other people there who will look the same or worse and if I want to wear the bikini's then go for it...I will take them with me...and play it by ear.
I can't wait!!!!!