New Orleans Anyone?
Okay, since it seems that both Holly and Natalie have wimped out on my New Orleans trip, is there anyone who wants to go with me? I'm going even if I have to go alone; I've been there alone before, but it sure would be fun to have someone go with me! I'm flying out of Richmond on the 27th, and will fly back in on the 30th.

G'morning JoAnn ~
I hope you find a taker to go with you - I agree, a trip like that would be so much more fun with a friend, althoughn once you arrive in N.O., everyone becomes your friend. I can't believe I lived in Oklahoma for over 20 years (our borders touching LA) and Ive NEVER been to New Orleans!!!!
Needless to say, if I wasn't already committed to the Lexington, KY trip, I'd volunteer to go. Figure the best way to see the place is with someone who's already gone and knows the area, ie, you!
Have a fantastic time, regardless of who shows up -- I know you will.
Hugs - Lei