I hate Change!!!!!!

Susan E.
on 10/16/06 9:00 pm - Purcellville, VA
Why do they change things around. GRRRRRRRRRRRR I just hate that. Don't care for the new format and the friends thing is just a bunch of BS. We are all friends! That what we come here for. I have tried to access others profile and they state "private". Do you have to be one of there friends in order to view the profile? I get my encouragement from reading others progress. I don't know them, may never read it again and don't feel I need to be a requested friend in order to view it. That's just to much work. Am I over reacting? So, if I am, understanding this wrong, please set me straight. Guess I just need a little hand holding. Susan
on 10/16/06 9:47 pm - Arlington, VA
I don't like it either. i like my profile theway it is the way I designed it. I agree we are all friends, there are forums I still can't find anymore from the first time they made changes. oh well maybe we are fossils and just need to get with it. isn't this suppose to be hip and urbane LOL
(deactivated member)
on 10/16/06 10:21 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Change .... CHANGE ... They changed it again .... Just kidding ... Yea it is a lot like myspace .. but that is where blogs and message boards are going .. If you need help ... email me .. I have been answering ? all night .. so .. let me know .. And I heard the cruise was a hit .. do share .. Hugs, Natalie
Susan E.
on 10/17/06 9:27 am - Purcellville, VA
OMG Natalie, The cruise was "off the hook" I so wish you would have been able to go. This was #13 cruise for me and I have never had half of much fun as we did on this one. The Va Beach girls are the best. It was such a good time and if you have ever been in Senior Frogs before, what a blast. Don't know if they will ever forget Susan,Lei and Wendy. I know I will never forget that day,hope the memories last forever. So many stories to tell, we will have to get together and catch up. Maybe another girls weekend like we had in March. Soon. I will prob need your help on the profile thing, Just don't have the patience for it right now. Hope all is well with you. Miss Ya, Susan
(deactivated member)
on 10/16/06 10:30 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Oh, trust me girlfriend, you are NOT the only one. I came back, tried clicking on the message boards, got lost, tried clicking on my own flippin' profile and got lost. I don't wanna convert. I spent YEARS, and yes, I do mean YEARS, creating my information to share with others. I'll be d*amn if I'm going to now spend countless hours upon hours trying to "convert" it. Figure when they phase out the OLD profiles they can phase ME OUT TOO. It's too much work and too much effort, and quite frankly, I just don't have it in me to do it. I also agree with the "friends" list crappola. It resorts us back to the day of "choosing people to be on your team" ....sheeeeez, I'm everyone's friend, why the hell do I have to "agree to let them be my friend" ...and vica-verse? Granted, no one asked me, so my opinion is just that, mine. BUT, as they phase out the old, and or CONVERT 'em all, I too will fade into the land of OLD FIBER OPTICS. I'm too old to WANT to change - which is why I never got into the "myspace" rage! lol - tell you what, we'll just stay in touch via the emails and CRUISE's trips we're gonna continue to go on! In da' words of "Roland the Cruise dude" ...kissy kissy, buh-bye!
Sharon Q.
on 10/16/06 10:51 pm - Fredericksburg, VA
DAMMIT, I hate change too. I did add all friends who wanted to be my friend, not going out scouting for more, nope, not me. Sounds like you guys had a wonderful cruise..............I WANT DETAILS!!!!!!!!! I'll send a better email later................send me the details guys!!!!!!!! XOOXOXOXO Sharon
(deactivated member)
on 10/16/06 10:57 pm - Grass.Shack.by.da'Beach, VA
Hey beautiful!!!!! Were your ears burning last week? Susan and I brought you up several times, was really wishing you had been on that cruise with us. Suffice it to say, Wendy, Susan and I, averaged 2 hours of sleep each night and always woke up the next day wondering why we bothered - we can sleep when we get home!!!! As far as "adding friends" ...that's how I first discovered the NEW and improved [cough] changes. Had a buncha' messages from people that wanted to be my friend (lol, which was kinda funny, cause we already ARE friends) and of course, I have NO freakn CLUE how to say ...."okay, you can be my friend" and make it stick on the site. So, well....I did what I always do when my computer is flusterpating me. I logged off. I just hope this new system doesnt leave people feeling IGNORED, especially when it's people like ME that doesnt even know how to "accept" them as friends. Geeeeyawd, hold me? We have some great pictures from the cruise - each of the ladies ended up with any where from 75 pics, to 250 pics (lol, 250 is Wendy, but she even takes photos of cracks in a sidewalk... shhhhh don't tell her I said that). Anyway - only two sets have been linked to shutterfly, the rest are still working on them. ...Lei
on 10/17/06 2:59 am - Va Beach, VA
Good grief, I pop in on my lunch break, and practically spew soup all over the screen.. WHO is this and whatcha do with my Leilani? LOL.. speak of change! Oh.. and I owe ya a smack for that comment missy! I've narrowed my pics down to 219 I think now! Oh, and btw Sharon, I was with them, when your ears were burning, if you wanna know the truth, the whole truth and nuttin but the truth.. muhaha! Wendy
Susan E.
on 10/17/06 9:38 am - Purcellville, VA
WENDYJO I wuv you, LeiSue
on 10/17/06 6:52 pm - Va Beach, VA
I wuv you too SaintSue!
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