Went to the gyn at UVa Tuesday and Dr. Kellum Friday. Like Dr. Schmitt real well. Still have no date for the procedure yet. Guess I will have to call tomorrow.
Dr. Kellum pronounced me "normal weight" for my height, Friday. Guess that means I have reached his goal. I am 5'5" and weigh 153 right now. I have been stalled for 3 weeks, but am kicking it in the head this week with 130g/protein per day. I only have 23 pounds to lose, and told Dr. Kellum so. He suggested I get a tummy tuck and I asked him if he was paying
. He did suggest I ask the gyn to do a little extra work when I have the other procedure and spoke with a friend tonight who said a friend of hers had the same procedure at Augusta Medical and that HER gyn did that little extra work for her. Hope I can talk my doc into the same
My pulse was 54 and my BP 107/40. Guess my exercise program is working
. The visit was difficult though, because I had to tell 3 diff. people about Cody. HAd quite the hedache when I left. Checked about the Staunton tattoo parlor on the way home and liked one of the guys' work. DO want to check out the new place in Roanoke soon. I am getting impatient for the memorial tattoos for Cody.
My tentative date was just average. This fellow acts the confirmed bachelor. Nothing wrong with that, but not much fun. Despite claiming he was very easy to get along with and believed in going with the flow, he didn't want to hike or walk, only acquiesced to being outside, complained of a headache, dislikes mowing, has allergies. Hm... how many strikes? Anyway...
Have, after all this time, had several interested guys from one website if I want to spend $$ to get re-up my membership. I have come to the conclusion that anyone I would be interested in has to be 1.) in Rockbridge Co., 'cause I ain't leavin', 2.) a hiker, 3.) motorcycle rider, 4.) independent and self-supporting, 5.) a gardener, 6.) a dog owner and lover. Not the least bit picky am I??
. But--No WAY am I settling, life is too short to be anything less that perfectly happy
. My current paln is to go to the livestock market. Hope I can meet someone who loves the land.
Back to WLS--I have been stalled for 3 weeks, BUT I have noticed my body shrinking again--a good thing. I am still fuming with slacks. The butts and legs are SO big. I never did have much butt no matter how big I was. I am appleshaped so the lingering pounds are in my waist. THAT is what I am working on. I really like my pants to fit more tightly, but can't stand the waist to be tighter--a paradox. I also am noticing more loose skin on my thighs than I had before. I bet the scales are getting ready to drop again!
Even though every year I DREAD the thought of trudging around Busch Gardens, I am truly looking forward to it this year. I am bringing 27 students and a parent and they are a varied bunch, all people I enjoy. I intend to get in about 10 miles of walking and am praying for perfect weather. It was perfect last year but I didn't dress warmly enough. Please, dear Lord, give us a day without rain. Am hoping to see Tammy C there and get a few miles in with her!
I also hope to learn to operate the new website features without it being too annoying AND without accidentally losing information. Am also hoping to start trail running UPhill
. Have groomed more than 10 dogs in the past month, just about as much extra work as I care to do, and earning enough to feed my own dogs.
Hugs to you all,

Again , I must say you have done excellent ! And congratulations on such a successful journey .
I know what you mean about not settling when it comes to dating . It took forever for me to weed through all the dates I had and I am so very glad I found who I think suits me . And you have it so right .. you should not settle . I wanted to give you this site to try for singles . Is where I found Alan .. or he found me . www.usmilitarysingles.com
I found that the men there where more mature, and I was able to see there likes and dislikes ... and it was free !
Good Luck to you on the rest of your journey .. you will get there I promise .. and you already know the formula for success ...
Many hugs,