I am a statistic.
Nope, they still have never figured out why I am in pain or any of the other problems I have been having.
My GI Doc did an Endoscopy and then a Barium Test and both came back normal. I have to follow up, so they can see what else to do.
I am having INSANE issues with my blood sugar. I have to get more testing done for that. I had some routine blood work done, in the blood work they checked my sugar and it was 60. So the lab marked my tests that I had fasted. I had eaten something on the way to the doctor, so I hadn't remotely fasted. I keep having these attacks of LBS and I nearly pass out. I have just been controlling it with food, but I dont need the calories. So I have an appt with my PCP to do some testing to see if we can figure out why I am dropping like a fly.
The crazy thing with my husband and I, I could put up with him the way he was when we married. But he has just changed SO MUCH for the worse. I have changed in that I have more energy and more of a love of life and the constant "ants in my pants" syndrome. But he just keeps getting worse. I think whether I had the surgery or not, I would be divorcing him.
He has just steadily gotten worse and worse and he knows this separation is his fault. I just hope he doesn't have some delusion that I am going to take him back if he ever gets his act together.
A very wise person once told me that "unhealthy attracts unhealthy." When you take steps to stop your unhealthy tendencies and get healthy, whether they are physical or mental, the other person in your relationship either will change with you or leave. You have to be prepared for either when you commit to making a change.
That makes very much sense to me. When we have GBP, we are drastically changing, not just our bodies, but our outlook on life and the way we cope. We are upsetting the balance of our relationship as it stood before. There are a lot of people out there that cannot accept that level of change, particularly if you are dealing a with co-dependent partner.
I am sorry you are going through this. My heart goes out to you. Take care of yourself.
You have gotten lots of support and good advice from these folks. Each has given you words of wisdom. Let me add how fortunate you are to be independent and capable of living alone. So many women are dependent and don't want to be alone--which leads them to more 'destined-to-fail' relationships.
Also, I have no clue what statistics you are talking about. Maybe I am not well-read enough. Either way, I agree with the others who say 'To heck with what others think'. We each must live our own life to the best of our ability.
The future is right around the corner. Walk around the corner!
Hola Leland..and keep that head high. everyone is a statistic somehow. If something isnt working for you, you need to make the changes neccesary. When one door closes, another opens. I have ben divorced twice..and if I hadn't ended those two relationships I would never be with the perfect guy for me now. You will see. just give it time and trust in yourself. You are worth it !!!