hi pretty lady, by the way lookin great!! well i did alot of callin and the tray whitening is about 350 and the zoom is 600, on the websites it says the zoom will lighten about 8 shades but when i called dentists they all said about 4 shades, what a variance, im just checking for hubby but he said its not worth it for 3 or 4 shades. i just told him to do the trays at home. thank ya though!!
Hello Shelly,
I havent done (although Id love to check into it too) ...I just use the Crest Strips. I know that Teresa (Miss Dolly) who normally posts on the main board... well, actually, that's not true, she's now posting daily on the Bariatric site that Susan Maria owns, but I know in her OH Profile she talked about having ZOOM done on her teeth AND she included Before and After photos of her teeth.
Thought I'd toss that out to you in case you want to contact her, or at the very least, read her notes in her profile and view the pics. If you have problems finding her profile, hollar back at me, and I'll locate it for you.
Let me know what you find out, locally, because I really have "thought" about it a time or two, just never acted on it.
Good luck - Lei