One Year and Profile Updated
I guess it was in my file, because when I went in for my 1st appointment after surgery, Nancy told me what it said, and we both looked at each other and said "Wow...that's a bit low". So, we discussed 145 and her and I agreed that 145 would be better. But, it's basically from the weight charts (I hit "normal range at exactly 145).
When I met with him at 6 months, he told me that my body will let me know when I'm done, and he reminded me of that yesterday.
And yes, at times, I do feel like I'm melting (HA! How appropriate for the "Wicked Witch of the East - hahahahaha). But, it took alot more than water!
We need to get together! Haven't seen you in ages. Probably pass you in the mall and don't even realize it - hahaha.