One Step Closer!!!
I had my psych evaluation this morning, and it went very well. I really like the psychiatrist I spoke with for about an hour. He said he sees no problem with me having the surgery at all. He will submit his letter to Dr. Wohlgemuth by tomorrow afternoon. I didn't have to take a test or anything like I have read some people had to do. Now all I have left is my day long nutrition class and the white light bady scan before my doc will submit to insurance for approval. I am so excited I can hardly sit still.

Thanks, Kathy & Rich! The white light scan will be cool. They'll scan my body before my surgery and determine exactly how much fat I have and where it is. Then they will do it periodically and see exactly where I am losing fat and how much I am losing. They are doing it on all of they patients because they are trying to prove that there is a much better way to determine body mass than the BMI.
Thanks, Christine. They told me it was optional, but made it sound like they really want all of their patients to participate. I don't get to go for the nutrition class until after that. So it won't hold me up any. (Thank goodness!) Otherwise I'd be pushing for an earlier submission, believe me!