9-11 Prayers and Thoughts
Let's all take time today to pray for all the families left behind after 9-11 . The Twin Towers, The Pentagon .. and the Shanksville Crash .
Let's pray for their peace .
Let's also pray for our soldiers abroad and here on our soil who daily fight terriorism and all that it brings to us . Their very lives are put on the line daily for us and today is a great day to remember them in our thoughts and prayers . I Thank you for all that you do ... and for your families sacrifices .
For all that think that America Fell that day ... We did not Fall .. we are here and we will never go away . We the People of America will not tolerate terriorism and stand behind our leaders in all they do to keep us safe .
God Bless Everyone on this day .
Amen Natalie,
Today is a very somber day for all of us. I am sure there isn't one who hasn't thought back on how they felt when 9-11 took place. It was a scary day in our history. But you are right, we are Americans and we will not go down without a fight. Our country is founded on fundumental values of God. In God We Trust! I am so proud to be an American. My heart goes out to all the families effected by this tragedy. They are in my prayers and in my heart. My son serves our country and has pulled two tours of duty in Afghanistan. It is a sacrifice but he does it willingly. I am proud of him too.
Thank you for posting this today.