WOW - the "skinny" jeans fit!

(deactivated member)
on 8/24/06 12:27 am -'Beach, VA
WOW - I can't believe it but I did it, I'm back in my SKINNY JEANS!!!!!!!!!!! You know, those pair of jeans you buy when you're at your lowest weight and you can wear it for about 2 minutes before they're too tight again?!? Yep, THOSE jeans, got 'em on right now with my pajama top, didn't even bother to completely change, I was so excited I had to share (SCREAM) the happiness. Not sure if any of you remember all the "weight" posts from me last year - it started off with a 10 pound bounce back, then at the January conference it was a 15 pound increase. My goal was to take those OFF before the June conference, unfortunately, they found 7 more friends and became a 22 pound increase by the end of March. Yah yah, amazing how that happens, huh? Well, I finally decided to get serious and started revamping my eating - the exact details are in my profile under the May 15 update. I'll cut and paste it below or anyone that's interested in reading it. Anyway, by making those changes, I was able to drop TEN pounds before the June conference, and the final 12 are officially gone as of this morning!!!!!!!!!! I originally had a goal of August 1st, but I'm okay with coming in 3 weeks short - cause the poundage is finally OFF my backside [literally]. Granted, weighing in nekkid has it's major bennie's. Soooooooooo - if all stays lined up with the planets/stars and moon, I'll be wearing my hip-hug'n-skinny-jeans dancing this Saturday night!!! No replies needed, just wanted to share with ALL of you that YES, if we truly DO what we know we should do, the weight can and will come off. Even at almost 4 years out I can still lose weight. I don't believe I have the advantage of malabsorbing like I did in the beginning, which just gives me the level playing field I always wanted. Now, when it comes to LOSING weight, I'm just like everyone else who hasn't had the surgery and are screaming to ditch the last 10/20 pounds [with the exception of the smaller stomach capacity]. That being said, even us "small pouch peeps" can graze 3 and 4 thousand calories a day, if we're not careful. Yep, first hand knowledge there. If you're dealing with a bounce-back DON'T give up on yourself, I'm so glad I never gave up on ME! ~ Lei In addition to my "PLAN" outlined in the cut and paste below, three things that *I* believe has also made an impact on the loss is: 1) I've increased my activities, ten-fold. Nope, I don't mean by exercising - still hate the "E" word. But I DO STUFF, lots and lots of stuff, walking, biking, swimming, even started kayaking with a friend. Even if it's just parking farther away or taking the stairs, if I can find a way to MOVE, Im doing it. 2) I've always drank a lotta water, tend to keep it at 100 oz and had gotten lazy on that. The last 90 days, Ive pushed it to 120 oz, faithfully. 3) Havent a clue if this even matters, but it's obviously helping - vs - hurting? I've rediscovered my addiction to Sushi and Sashimi. I've always loved the stuff but recently, it's become a MAJOR part of my meals. Like, 6, 7, 8 times a week - lunch, dinner, both. An average [single] roll is about 35/40 calories, it's very healthy, low in calories, high in protien and I normally eat 6 to 8, per meal. I swear Id eat it for breakfast if I'd get off my "hate to cook" butt and reintroduce myself to my kitchen. . ==================== CUT and PASTE ====================== Below is the post from my profile - if anyone is interested in the "links" I reference, you'll probably have to click them from my profile, not sure if they'll transfer over in a cut and paste. 5/15/06 New day, new way - 1400 calories a day! Sooooooooooooo - I think it's safe to say that the 10 lb water weight GAIN from my new blood pressure pills have me in one hell of a tizzy!?! As I said in my last update, I could handle it if it would ALSO come off as fast as it's sucking on. The biggest problem with "it's not real weight" that your clothes don't know that. Everything I put on feels tighter (because along with these 10 lbs are 10 pounds of REAL weight gain, for a total of 20 above goal). I know I can get the water weight off, er, once the doc tweaks my BP meds, but until then, I feel like a big ol' puffy freakn marshmallow, even my wedding rings that I resized (finally) 6 months ago, Ive taken off. Hurts to wear 'em. Gotta love this life of a "recovering Obese-aholic!". I always knew it would be challenging, so that's no surprise, but hot damn, it's beyond HARD when you try to do everything right - move more, eat less, monitor salt, etc and end up with another 10 pounds, practically over night. So, let's just put those 10 aside and focus on the TEN from real weight gain. I realize, when Im completely honest with myself, that my food choices suck at times. Oh, and that "eating less" does not mean only having 2 pieces of fudge, instead of 3. [blonde tilt] I just spent about an hour on creating a 1400 calorie day that includes LOTS of small meals. I've decided that my constant need to EAT has got to be battled with very very low calorie stuff and instead of 3 meals a day, I'm upping it to 8 or so [3 of which will be protein shakes]. Most "health data" would call this new food plan of mine, GRAZING, but you know what? That's exactly what Im doing on a daily basis ANYWAY. Grazing, grazing, grazing, constantly on anything that's within my reach! So if I can't get the damn grazing under control, I need to fine tune WHAT I'm grazing on. This is my meal planner for today. I haven't figured out how to link my FitDay account to my profile, so I'll just recap it. 6:00 am Protein Shake 8:00 am Turkey-pepperoni pieces (17) 10:00 am Protein Shake 11:00 am Yogurt Fit n Light 1:00 am 4 oz roast beef, 3 slices swiss cheese, onions, mustard 1/2 cup Japanese cucumbers 2:00 am Protein Shake 4:00 am Turkey-pepperoni pieces (17) 6:00 am Steamed Lau-Lau (pork w/spinach wrapped in banana leaves) 1/2 cup white rice 1/2 cup Japanese cucumbers 8:00 am 6 crackers (Ritz lite) w/lite garlic cheese spread 9:00 am medium orange Additional free snacks at any time: cucumbers (raw/plain), celery, tomatoes, carrots, radishes! Ive already got them washed, peeled, bagged and ready to grab. Im not counting the calories in any of the free snacks, since the act of chewing pretty much zero's it out. I just want something there to keep me from succumbing to the voices in my head that say "its okay to snarf down the cake or cookies, cause it's lite or sugar free" ....aaaargh, oh and phooey! Calories are calories, too much of anything, even the healthy stuff (like protein), turns to fat. Anyway - with the food planner (above) that I just put in FitDay, this is the breakdown: Calories = 1405 Fat = 50 Carbs = 89 Protein = 143 (69 from shakes) Also, here is a really COOL Calorie Counter site Calorie Counter site that also predicts how many MAX calories you should be consuming to lose "x" amount of pounds in "x" amount of days. Based on this information and plugging in my stats (height, current weight, goal weight, age and exercise levels) it said by keeping my calories at 1456 a day, I'd be at goal (minus the damn 10 pounds) by the 1st of August. Well, that's my goal date and I plan on putting an "X" on my calendar every single day to scream my successes!!!!! I'm sick and damn tired of complaining about it, talking about it, stressing about it, grumbling about it, waking up in the middle of the night, etc (yes, it's gotten that bad) and still not making any REAL changes to correct it. It's also easier for me to just "accept it" when we (other long term weight loss surgery friends) get together as a collective group, in real space here in Virginia. We all tend to have empathy/sympathy for each other which then in turn makes it all more acceptable. Afterall, we're all in the same "bounce back boat". Unfortunately, all the conversations, sympathy and empathy isn't going to take MY pounds off. It's like I'm finding safety in numbers, since others understand, fear and experience the same issues with weight issues. Almost as if I'm giving myself 'passive' permission, of sorts, that it's okay to just keep bobbing along with this bounce. Well, as you can probably tell by the "tone" of my last few updates, Ive had it and I've put myself on NOTICE!!! Im fed up with myself and terrified, all wrapped up into one. I KNOW me and I know my ability for self destruction. I will eventually give up if I don't keep it within controllable levels NOW. Yep, there have been too many sleepless nights, lately, worrying and obsessing. One of my strengths in life is finances and budgeting. Not bragging, just facts, I'm better then most. I've been known to scare a penny into reproduction. Well, that's the aggressive way I'm going to start treating my BANK OF CALORIES!!! I'm a hell of a lot more important then money and yet I give my bills, cash flow, banking, 401's, annuities, etc. more consideration and effort towards success, than myself. Go figure! Paul's sub is officially repaired and he goes back underwater soon - he's been put on notice to eat every bad thing in this house or take it to the office or it becomes squirrel food. With him under water it'll be easier to keep the high calorie crap OUT of the house. Now, in my hubby's defense, it truly is not even REMOTELY his fault that the stuff makes it into the house in the first place. He never wants it, never suggests it (short of an ice cream fix every blue moon) and he never buys it. It's always ME, me me! I'll see something that triggers my "sweet-****puppy" tooth at every store, restaurant, deli, bakery, etc I walk into. Then I talk HIM into "wanting it too", if he'll agree to help eat most of it, I justify buying it. Then when it gets into the house - he forgets it's there and I remember HOURLY! I think one of my problems is that I just became to complacent. I got lazy with everything, my food choices, succumbing to temptation, not drinking my water, not moving more, not tracking EVERY bite I eat and WAY TOO many "low estimates" and missed calories. Sure, not the entire 20 lbs is "fat", we've established that ....but, we all know Ive been fighting FIFTEEN pounds, off and on, for about 9 or 10 months now. Hell - might even be a year now? So it stands to reason, half of it, I need to take ownership of and get it OFF!..... the remaining water weight still needs to be dealt with, my fault or not. What I will be focusing on more then anything, is my daily credit allowance of 1400 calories, period! I want to train my brain to realize it's not an open calorie/cash flow. If I over spend in the real world, I'm over drawn. If I over eat and extend my calories, I'm over weight. I've been talking to myself ALL day - trying to go with the repetition aspect of it. Telling myself it's no different then walking into a restaurant with $14.00 cash and no available credit/debit cards. I wouldn't then look at the menu and order a $35.00 lobster. I have NO choice but to choose foods that fall within my calorie budget. Although I'll allow myself to have variances, skip meals, or eat higher calorie food choices, it's okay - as long as I understand/accept when the entire 1400 is gone, so are my food choices for the day. I hate tracking my food, it's always bored me, but if that Calorie Counter is right, it's only 70+ days, 2 1/2 months - I know I can stick to logging for that amount of time. We'll see - you know how it is when you "start a new food plan" you're always so gung-ho. It's getting past the first week that'll be the REAL test! So, WISH ME LUCK!!!.... this is my first "1400 calorie Day" (with 76 more days left) to get to goal. ================== END of C&P ======================
Sharon Q.
on 8/24/06 1:29 am - Fredericksburg, VA
OH OH OH, let me be first to reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ya know I love ya right??) I AM SOOOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU GIRL!!!!!!!! I knew you could do it, and ya know what, I could really tell when I saw you a couple weeks ago vs. June!!!! You are my new found INSPIRATION, I'm in the same boat, working it off, and really so far, not killing myself to do it. I hate the E word too, and need to find more exercise than SHOPPING to get it in!!! Oh, something to work on. NOW, you must keep me on that dance floor all night on Sat. night, a great way to get the E in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I'm done babbling. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO very proud of you girl, you have no idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOOXOXOOXOXOXOO Sharon
(deactivated member)
on 8/24/06 2:56 am -'Beach, VA
ROFLMAO!!!!!! Oh my gawd, I did NOT think anyone would have da' gonads (although I must admit, I expected my redheaded twin to do it, she'll be mad that you beat her to it). TOO funny, and yes, I know you love'z me and I really truly did laugh and still am. lol, hell, it's something I'd say to one of my really good girly-friends, cause I know they'd see the extreme humor in it all. Um, but take it from a PRO (cause, after all I am OLDER then you)'s really 3 syllable word. "Beeeeeeee'ya-tchhhhhhhhhhh" You can do it, Sharon, you've been through much more challenging things in life (child birth x 3 and a variety of surgeries) ...kicking your 10 or 15 pounds to the curb is small stuff compared to ALL your challenging accomplishments! See you Saturday - my happy butt plans on living on the dance floor and you better be right there with me. It's my favorite form of movement!, well, not my favorite, but you know!
on 8/24/06 2:15 am - Toms River, NJ
Good for you! I'm battling a "bounce back" myself -- 16 pounds from my all-time low of 153 and 9 pounds from the 160 that I kind of settled at and was maintaining. I get down to about 163 and bounce back again with my bad food choices. I can be good all day long, then the evening grazing comes - or behave myself all week, then on weekends become a warrier munching all calories in my path! I have just hired a personal trainer -- starting first week in September -- and plan on taking this seriously. I like your idea of lots of little meals - may try that myself. My problem isn't hunger though, it's just the thing between my ears that needs serious help! See you Saturday and I'll give you a squeeze on your new skinny hips in your skinny jeans! Hugs, Nannette BTW - I agree with Sharon -- *****!
(deactivated member)
on 8/24/06 3:08 am -'Beach, VA
....and another beeeee'ya-tchhhhh twin in training? C'mere so I can smack ya' -- brat! The strangest thing with my body (and it sounds like it happened to yours too?) but I hit an all time LOW, that only lasted for 1 day. Period. That was it. The only reason I remember that moment is because I have scales that have a side bar for setting the memory. Anytime the scales got lower the last "set memory" ...I'd resave it. LMAO - havent seen that freakn number since August 2005. Literally, the very next day, the scales were 6 pounds higher and that's the weight my body stayed at, with little to no effort, for almost a year. That's how I knew where my "true resting" weight should be (like the 160 you talk about for yours) ....and that's the weight Im finally back at. Life is great. Can't wait for Saturday to get here, you can bet we'll be living on the dance floor. Hugs - Lei
on 8/24/06 7:51 am - Virginia Beach, VA
That is so awesome !!! I have heard so many times that we are only paroled from our weight issues never free'd. I know I will deffinately have the same issues. I have bounced my fat ass back from every diet and weight loss success. Even being so early out I see potential problems like nuts...they were one of the few things i could tolerate with a stricture. now they go down way too easily. Also..those South Beach Diet oatmeal chocolate chip cookies !!! They may be low sugar and 100 cals a pack..but when they call your name until the entire box is gone..there is a slight problem !!! God help us all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Work, Leilani !!!! I am happy about your success !!!! Hugs, Dana
(deactivated member)
on 8/24/06 8:50 pm -'Beach, VA
Thanks Dana - I literally wore them the entire day, here at the house. Figured it only lasted about two minutes the last time I had them on, I wanted to relish in da' moment, ya know? Ohhhhhhhhhhh yah, SouthBeach products can be a curse at times, they're so good. I have a box of the peanutbutter/chocolate bars and justify each one I chow down on with the "It's got 15 grams of protein" ...which is great, as long as I don't eat more then one. See you and Pete on Saturday - are you coming by the beach too, or will it just be the evening? Hugs - Lei
Christine Hood
on 8/25/06 8:42 am - Fort Eustis, VA
Hey Lei!! Congrats on your awesome lost...All that dancing at Chevy's must have helped although I was thinking that you were looking smaller even before then...GREAT JOB GIRL!! See you Saturday! Christine
(deactivated member)
on 8/25/06 9:42 pm -'Beach, VA
Aaaw, thanks gorgeous!!! It's amazing how MUCH the weight affects our clothes and sizes, the smaller we are. When I weighed 400 lbs, it took almost a full 100 lb loss to "really" tell the difference in sizes. Who knows, maybe it's cause the 5 and 6 X's I was wearing were already stretched to capacity? But now, at a smaller size, it SEEMS for every 10 or 15 lbs, you go up a FULL size. lol, is it any wonder my clothes were fixin' to go on strike? I'm just glad things feel COMFY again. See you tonight (or today, on the beach?) ...wish you could bring Anthony with you but at least if he's out of town you'll be with a BUNCH of friends who can get your mind off of missing him. Hugs - Lei
on 8/25/06 8:49 pm - Va Beach, VA
Hey woman, Good grief, how did I miss this post? Oh yeah, I was prolly out eating sushi with you! LOL. Okay, yes, let me get it over with now.. *****! lmao. I'm totally jealous, but super proud of ya girlie! Cant wait to watch you shake that thing in those skinny jeans tonight! Keep it up woman, I happen to know there is a drop dead gorgeous pair of black jeans with crochet trim, with BOTH our names on them hanging in your closet, and I have no doubt you'll be the first to have them on! Wendy
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