Excess Skin Question
This sounds weird, I know, BUT:
I went riding without my jacket on yesterday. My arm skin has been ripplilng in the wind. YESTERDAY the excess skin under my arm, and above my bra was flapping and if I would hit a bump, HURT. I suspect that the skin was flopping down on the underwire. I just keep checking to make sure trhe pain isn't from UNDER the skin anywhere. Don't see any bruises.
Anyone have a similar experience?
Not weird at all .. Every time I run .. mine flaps in the wind too . At first It scared me .. then I put my hand under neath my arm pit .. and yep there it was ... what I call my hang down .. LOL /
I keep working on my weight training hoping that one day it will be gone .. A girl can wish I guess >>> LOL ..
Big Hugs ..
Nah. I think it happens to all of us at some point or another. I did find a great palstic surgeon that does some procedures in a surgical center across from his office instead of at the hospital so it saves you some $$$ and he is really good. I am not as worried about my arms as I am my thighs! I guess I am too vain!