What to do for stomach ache?
HI, last night i tried some cucumbers and oh my gosh, never again. my stomach hurt so bad. i never got sick it just hurt for hours. finally by 10pm is slowed down and did not hurt as much. so i call the on call number which i have never called before after hours and got this intern that said sure try pepto that should be ok. I called back the on call number and asked the women if there was someone i could get that knew for sure about this surgery that could for sure answer my question. as i am going thru the book that i got is says not to take pepto along with other meds so thank god i did not take it. i am really frustrated that i could not get someone that knew for sure. so i guess interns just don't really know which is fine. that is why they are there to learn but really need someone on call that can for sure answer questions like this. so anyone have any suggestions on what can be taken for a stomach ache?
Liz ,
I would get in touch with your surgeons office . Most times our PCP's or emergency room docs are so uneducated as to our needs . Any pain that last more than 30 minutes and is reaccuring .. must be addressed . Some may say ... well Tink that is pretty hasty .. Well let me tell you .. I know and have read many horror stories of pain that went un treated .. and to find that there where things truly going on that needed to be addressed . I am in no way trying to scare you .. but this is your life and health .. if you are still feeling ill .. get your fanny to the doctor or atleast give him a call .
Hope you feel better soon .
I don't know how far post-op you are but I know that we weren't allowed cucumber seeds or skin for several months post-op since they are hard to digest. I can do them now.
I have a few times eaten foods that have made my stomach sore. I remember once was at about 1 month post-op. Boy that was sore and it stayed sore for a couple of days. All I did for it was to eat soft foods for those days and that seemed to help. I didn't use any medicines.
Liz, did you chew very well? Sometimes when my stomach hurts I have to discern whether it feels "stuck" or it it just hurts. If it feels stuck i usually chew up about 4 papaya enzyme tablets. That "human drano" really works. If it is just an irritated/angry stomach I have used any of these 3 herb teas. Ginger, peppermint or Chamomille.