Kathy Hall - Surgery Tommorow
I just had my one on one with Kathy Hall ... she and I visted this evening and was such a joy .
Kathy has a heart as big as life itself . This woman is such a sweet loving kind soul . If you have never met her , you will fill her love ..
Kathy has prepared for this surgery, has had some set backs in getting her approval . She never gave up .. nor did I ever let her .. even when things looked the darkest for her she kept fighting . She my friends is so ready for this ..
Kathy has always been one I could go to when things where tough for me .. or when I wanted to share my joy .. she is one that has never failed me .
Monday July 3rd will be the day that Kathy takes back her life .. and steps up to fighting Obesity . If you have not signed her support page , please do so .
God Speed to you Kathy as you embark on the journey of a lifetime .
Thanks to all ..