my delivery and hospital stay story _sorry for the delay
hopefully this isnt too much information, I posted a similar version on the pregnancy boards to help other gastric bypass folks through their journey with my story of success.
Well on April 23rd I was laying around as I always do. My tummy was bothering me as pregnant women's tummy's often do...I had a huge cramp on my right side...I laid down for like an hour talking and joking with my 12 year old then all of a sudden I got a gush sensation. I leaped up and ran to the bathroom and found a mass amount of not fluid, which I thought it was but blood. So I quickly gathered my wits, towel, and car keys and raced to the hospital. I was admitted quickly and sent to Labor and Delivery (LD). I sat in labor and delivery for 2 days bleeding with mass amounts of very nice pain meds and antibiotics. After two days the doctors informed me they believed it was a placental abruption and asked if I had been kicked in the stomach or in a car accident. I was in a car accident in February, but nope no one has been kicking me around other then that. My in-laws came down to watch my twelve-year old and such. So at least I didn't have to worry about that. Next I was moved to an observation room since the bleeding and contractions had subsided. I stayed there for 4 days and was released on 4-29-06. Great, I was happy to be home and surprised I was home baby less and still pregnant. So 6 hours later I am sitting after a long nap and the gush happens father-in-law grabs my keys and rushes me back to the hospital...yeah and I sit in LD for another 30 hours or so...and let me tell you those beds are no treat...the birthing bed is like sitting on a stone. At this point they decide to keep me the remainder of the pregnancy...yeah I am only 32 weeks when I abrupted...33 at this point...hmm that's seven weeks left of hospital stay...this is like a prison sentence. Though I admit I had the best room in the hospital, it over looked some bay and the city lights...
I see nurses about 2-4 hours for blood work, vitals, and meds. I see foodservices every 6 hours in the day, doctors 2 times a day, a special nutritionist, and house keeping comes in 1 time a day...not counting other sleep in really in short supply for 30 days. Of course I have not a drop of blood more while I lay there this reminder of the time. I am a walking pincushion. I didn't get a pick so I am stuck like everyday and have veins collapsing on veins...I am bruised beyond belief...and eventually have a IV site blood infection...yeah me.
So they decide to give me the Rh- shot (since I am Rh-) and 2 of the steroid shots to help babies lungs baby is buff now...
On may 22nd they decide to do an that is scary but worst case is they pop the baby and induce so we go forward to see if I am ready for a induction at 37 weeks. They did this due to my coexisting past health risks such as 2 abruptions this pregnancy and a past c-section, heart disease, the gastric, hypothyroidism and a few other things. They think it is safer now they waiting...I am like all for it since I want out of my prison aka the hospital. So I call my husband in Korea now that we have a date... he can't get a flight until the 23rd. So we schedule that better late then never right? Well the amnio screen test comes back low so they postpone the induction a day to wait on the accurate portion of the test (which comes back perfect, showing adequate lung development)...they begin the pit around 9pm on the 23rd, 4 hours after my husband landed or so. Worked out perfect really. The pit goes on and they do some balloon thing to help my cervix open. The balloon falls out at 4.5ish and the nice drug man comes by and gives me my epidural (HUG the epidural). I sleep and get checked the morning on 24th at 6:30 still dilated to about 5. So the folks ignore me forever at 10am I am concerned no one has checked me and I am getting pain in my left epidural is wearing off on that leg. SO I am feeling it (pressure on my cervix) and I begin to complain to the nurses that no one has checked me in forever and that I am in pain. They check me and I am close she says, so she sets up my bed (which she says normally isn't her job) At this point she goes to seek a doctor. I begin really feeling something moving, I am yelling to my husband get the nurse she's COMMIN...he looked at me like yeah he seems in no hurry I am freaking out going I am not pushing and she is coming get the dang nurse. The nurse came over as the head came out and began screaming for the doctor...yeah baby had begun delivering herself. I can only imagine what would have happened if the epidural hadn't worn off that leg, Id have delivered and no one would have known...for like hours haha. Doctor comes in as baby is being slipped out barely has time to catch...there is no tearing, no pushing, and thank goodness only half the pain (the right leg is in heaven, feels nothing haha). Well she was here all 19.25 inches, 6lbs 7.9 ounces.
Very healthy at 36 weeks 6 days...we stay in the hospital 2 days, during which I develop a blood infection from all the IV's I guess. So now I am still on antibiotics but home...working on making baby gain weight and breast milk supply. So this is the summary. I cut a lot out for your sanities sake. Good luck with all your pregnancies and such.
Pre-pregnancy weight 214
Delivery weight 217
Low during pregnancy 199
Current 7 days after 200
PS i want to thank the OH members for their support in meeting all my goals. one was the bypass the other was this baby. I appreciate the lunches, hospitals visits, and gifts. You have been like that family support system I am missing on this coast and like
i love ya man
Also thank everyone for all the well wishes I appreciated reading them in the hospital. It passed by 1 hour of hell
and made me feel not so alone.
She is gorgeous... just gorgeous. Congrats on your big event. That is quite a story. I'm so happy that you got the perfect happy ending... a healthy baby and a hubby who got there just in time.
And to weigh less than when she got pregnant... amazing. Just amazing.
CONGRATS to the whole family!
Hugs, Kathy