Any News On Christine Yet????
She is probably in lala land feeling good still !!!!!!!!!!! Maybe even dreaming about Chuck Berry/Disco man !!! Too bad we can't scoop him up and take him with us to visit her tomorrow !!! I bet if he started his ball slamming dance routine it would get her up walking those halls...FAST !!!!!!! me and let me know when and where for tomorrow or tonight !!!
Oh no...not the dreaded leak test !!! I have had 3 of those things. I think I would rather drink nail polish remover !!!!!!
I can't wait to you you either !!! I miss you tooooooo !!!!!
P.S. You know PartyPrincess's last name right? I don't know if they will know her as Christine AKA Party Princess !!!!..hehehehehe I looked for it on her profile but ended up paying too much attention to the !!!!!!
I think I will pass !! I am back to puking and inner demons trying to escape ( you know..those evil throaty noises that sound like you swallowed someone whole and they are trying to get out?...hehehehehe ) God I don't wanna go back in to be dilated again !!!! There is a male nurse in recovery who has had me as a patient both times and he looks at me like he wants to sop me up with a biscuit !!!! Too bad he looks like Mike from All in the Family..LMAO !!!!! I almost threw up on his shoe the last time !!!