Boogie & Splash, what'cha wearing?
How bout one of those "carribean looking" sarongs. I got a few of those in Mexico last Dec, and since they are from the carribean I figure that would work. Not sure what I'll wear under though.
I also have some fun dresses that would work. Anybody size 10 or 8 may stop and shop in my closet on the way down. LOL Of course we may have to pull the whole thing apart to find anything, as Jen found out last weekend. It's fun anyways. Can't wait for the conference now. XOOXOXOXOO
O.K., so at the risk of sounding like I'm inviting myself to a party.....
I'm new to the VA board, having just moved here from San Diego, and I'm just wondering if you folks are chatting about a private party, or if it's a conference open to other attendees.
Please don't be afraid to tell me it's private--I can take it. LOL!
But if it's a conference-type thing, I would like to get the info. Anyone willing to provide it?
You all sound like a fun group, and it sounds like it's going to be a fun get-together!
In keeping with the "theme" of the evening, I guess I'll have to break down and buy my first cheesy island type button down with wife beater or white t-shirt under. Shorts and sandles as well. I just hope I'm able to get some symbolence (sp?) of a tan by then!!!
I did end up deciding against the Grass skirt though. Was afraid I might show up and someone else have the same outfit on!!