staples club meeting on the 5th
Pureed food will be perfect for all of the newbies. And so easy. But I love the way you operate with your choices there. So here are some ideas for you. I usually ate just about anything I just stuck it in the chopper. I really liked egg salad, tuna fish, yogurt, scrambled eggs w/cheese because they were really easy to do. If I was feeling like cooking I would do some baked or grilled chicken, pot roast, or my absolute favorite was a pureed cheeseburger. I would get 93/7 ground beef, take out 2-3 oz and brown it in the skillet, add a slice of low fat cheese to the top stir it up and yum. Another fav. was something my mom made. She had a pot of beans & ham and I took a bunch of that and portioned it out and froze it. Really easy to warm up and stick in the chopper. I loved to eat sweet potatoes, green beans, & zuchinni. Hope some of the ideas help.