I was APPROVED!!!!!! - FINALLY -
Okay, so today started like any other and while I was working I got to thinking about it has been over a week since Dr. Schirmer's office submitted for approval so during lunch I called the insurance company and the lady I talked to on the phone told me "we have nothing in the system about anybody ever submitting for an approval" - I was pretty steamed
and tried to call Mike Miller, but it was continuously busy so not wanting to wait another day I faxed him a little note telling him what the lady said. He called me at work about an hour later and told me that obviously that lady did not know what she was talking about because he was holding my approval letter in his hand and that it had been put on his desk that morning!
I am so excited - I have been waiting for this day since 2003 and it is about darn time!
So I am officially scheduled for June 23rd, 2006 - exactly 32 days from Today!
Andrea .. that is awesome sweety .. My heart is jumping for joy for you ..
Get ready sweety .. your world is about to change .. is there anything I can do to help you get ready >?
If there is anything or suggestions please let me know . I am here for you ..
Hi Shele! You bet your butt I wanted to scream with happiness! LOL After I got off the phone I sat for about 20 seconds and just went OMG this is actually happening and then I ran out of my office into the main nurses station where 3 of the nurses and one of the docs and another one of the docs was just coming out of a room - and after about 2 seconds they all turned to look at me (I must have been putting off some kind of vibe) and I just kinda "quietly" shouted "I got approved!" It was a very festive office today!
I don't think I have to do any kind of liquid diet until the last two days, but I am going to continue the diet that I have been on since March to try and lose hopefully between 10 and 15 more pounds before surgery. I have already lost 21 from my highest weight which was 340.
You know I have been hanging around here for a few years now (on and off) and your journey has been amazing! I will accept any advice you can give me! What to take to the hospital...what to have at home when I get there...can I go up and down stairs...can I sleep in a bed? I have tons of questions. I have been waiting for 3 years for this and I'm excited, terrified and just waiting to be on the losing side so I too can start my journey.
Natalie (Dave's wife) has been bringing me protein samples (we work together), which I have been stuffing in a container to save for after surgery and I have a couple of large container of IDS protein, but I know there is plenty of stuff I will need - I guess I should start a list now, huh?
Thank you so much for your support! Thanks EVERYONE for their support! It means the world to me!