"Guess Who's Back......Back Again....
Thanks for your comments and prayers. The ulcer is located right where they reconnected me to my new pouch. I got gastritus after sugery and that was the original reason why the ulcer got so bad so quickly. They told me to just take Prilosec for a couple of months and everything would be fine. Well! Evidently I needed to do a little more than that because about a month after I stopped the prilosec is when everything went hay-wire!! Yes, I do have a GI specialist and he did the scope and small bowel x-rays. I think it was bleeding and then just stopped so thats why he couldn't find it afterwords. Thanks again and I'll keep those history lessons coming.
B-Rabbit ()
Keith, you don't know me but I feel like I know you. I read your posts and laugh at your responses. My family has "family prayer" every morning before we leave for work and school. I gave the prayer on Thursday and included you in it. On Friday it was my 13 year old son's turn. In the middle of his prayer he groggily said, "and bless Keith, whoever he is that he'll recover from whatever's wrong with him so he can get busy with whatever he wants to do today." Guess you can tell what his "word" is lately. Only he usually says it with a little attitude.
Anyway, welcome back and have a happy non-bleeding weekend.
Great news! Glad to hear that you are doing better and that it stopped bleeding. I didn't see (maybe missed it), but would you mind sharing a bit of your experience so others know what to look for in a similiar expereince? If it's too embarrassing, I understand.
But, glad to have you back!