ATTN: AchievOne Drinkers!
Good pm all,
The AcheivOne website store locator suggests that we can purchase them @ Joe's Market on Libbie Avenue in Richmond. However, I've called as well as another friend (Beth D) and they do not currently carry them. HOWEVER, Dallas (contact gentleman) is meeting at the beginning of next week with his main buyer and has asked that I call him towards the end of the week to learn their decision. He says he believes the AcheivOnes are VERY promising and will push to begin stocking them.
I need your support! Please contact Dallas @ Joe's Market 804-285-JOES (5637) and request that they begin stocking the AchievOnes! Beth & I have explained the importance to us as WLS patients and the many benefits we would reap as well as their store. It's a WIN/WIN for all parties!
RUUUUUNNNNNN don't walk to your phone or cell and make the call! Their hours are Mon-Sat 7am-9pm They also have a website which is joesmarketatukropsdotcom!
Thanks for your support!
Kitty Kat