Hmm still here at portsmouth..
Well I want to thank Lei and Wendy for such a pleasant visit. I finally found out that there is a computer to access in the email for me but i was able to pay bills and look to my board. I really appreciate the books and picture of my family...i am half way through Ruby.
Seems like forever until I get to go home and enjoy my real life but baby first me second. I had to reallllly insist on a dietician and come to find out I have lost 4 more pounds
...being 35 weeks pregnant its annoying me since I worked very hard to get 12 back on me...I am still down 6 pounds from my prepregnancy weight...ah well back to the drawing board ..i mean fridge haha.
I look forward to Thai food and momo's su****hough oddly the food isnt bad here but the eatting schedule is erratic for a gastric patient...just goes to show you u have to be very proactive in your health care...especially after a bypass.
I cant get email and I am sure it will be many days before I can beg a nurse or someone to wheel my buttocks to this pc again but want to say thanks for the visit you two and thanks all for letting me vent in this little white box
Now back to lurking through everyone elses stuff then to my prison..i mean room
See ya all in Juneish maybe for a nice lunch
and to share the new baby. I am very excited about that to say the least

Hi Sweetie...You just relax and have a healthy baby. I know it is hard but I had to go through it also. Wish I lived closer and I would come visit but Danville is quite a way...It was so nice to finally meet you in Norfolk...You looked great. Hope to see you again soon. And I want lots of pictures of that beautiful baby...she will be beautiful just like her mom.
Hiya Trish,
It's GREAT to see your post. We are definitely our own best advocate! Good for you! Bed rest is a bummer. I was on it with Kayla and she came 2 1/2 months early and is a healthy, happy bugga! Take care of you and I look forward to reading about the birth and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Rest up for you and your munchkin! You know they should have an aid or someone that comes by once or twice a day to see if you want to go out of your room. That would be nice for you. Have you talked to a patient advocate? I am not sure about the restrictions for your stay though. Thanks for the update!
Hey woman,
It was so good to see you the other night. I was amazed at how well you looked. Being cooped up in a hospital room must be very hard on you. At least your room is not cramped, and private!
I am really looking forward to meet your new baby, as soon as she's ready to introduce herself!
I am leaving this morning for a long weekend. No Momo's or Thai for me at the racetracks lol. Cannot wait to enjoy sushi again, and to experience Thai, with your company of course!
Happy Mothers Day!
Hello Trish!!
It's SO GOOD to see you posting!!!!! Im so glad you finally found someone that could direct you towards a computer. I knew when Dianna said she sent you an email card to the hospital that there HAD to be a way for you to get online! LOL, Im starting to feel better and better about your prison accomodations! Between the big ol' PRIVATE suite, computer access and food that is half way decent??? This "quiet relaxing bed rest" stuff might not be so bad, huh?
Hey??? I have TWO appointments at Portsmouth Naval next Wednesday (DexaScan and a Mammogram)'s early in the morning, 9:00 and 10:30, PLAN on me popping in and saying hello, okay? If I get there too early (since I tend to be anal about being on time for appmnts) then I'll come say hello before they start poking and prodding - and then for sure, I'll stop by again, before I leave for the day, so I can actually sit and visit for a bit.
I hope you access this post again before next Wendesday, otherwise I'll be walking in on your cute self, bedhead, jammies and all!
Hugs - Lei
Psssst... and you're very welcome, it was my pleasure (and FUN!)