I suppose alot of us have guilt feelings associated with food, but lately it has kicked into high gear for me. After I eat just about anything I feel guilty for eating, I second guess everything I eat and am constantly looking at calorie content. I never had these feelings before the surgery, I ate everything in sight and did not much care. I am 8 weeks post op and have done well as far as being able to tolerate foods. I have lost 48 lbs so far and usually keep the calories around 700-800 a day. I don't want to become fanatical over this but feel that it is taking over my life and mind. I just want to look at food "normally" for once. Lorraine
Lorraine ,
I guess one could say I am a fanatic . I know that if I do no****ch what I eat .. count my calories- carbs .. fats .. proteins .. I could end up with weight gain . I knew going into this that my life would forever change , be one of reading labels .. counting calores etc .. and I would not have it any other way really .
I never did this before surgery .. and is why I weighed in at 310 pounds . I did not care at that point in my life .. food to me was so normal .. something not to be second guessed . Now .. I look at everything . I owe it to my body and mind to be dilegent about what I put in it . My tool can only do so much .. the rest is up to me .
It is ok to become aware of your new lifes style .. to make conscious choices .. fanatical... well .. you may call what I do fanatical .. but it works for me ..
I know that most WLS patients take hold of their lifestyle by doing the label reading .. the calorie counting .. some may not . But for me ,, I know what works .. and I must know at all times what my day holds as far as my nutrician . I did not come this far to screw it all up .. I am accountable .. no one else.. and I love my new life and would not go back for anyone or any food .
I hope this helps you .. just know you are normal .. you just have different rules for your normal life .. and for your tiny pouch .. and that YOU are in control .
I agree with Nat--I carefully count calories and protein. I do NOT EVER want to look like I looked before. Keeping track of this helps me know exactly what has gone in my body each day. During the day, or evening, it helps me STOP. Just over a month ago I had to take a hard look at the carbs I was eating. As so many say on this site--Just because I CAN eat it doesn't mean I SHOULD!
My former "normal" took me to new heights--275 pounds!! I do not even want to look at food normally again. I knew the surgery meant a big committment and drastic life change. I made this committment with joy in my heart.
Just my 2 cents worth.