Was it worth it?
Hello everyone,
I'm 10 weeks out and looking at 50 lbs weigh loss. I know I'm doing ok, I accept the fact that I'm going to be a slow loser. But I'm one of those who has what feels like an impossible about to still lose and I'm just having one of those "Oh heavens, what have I done? Should I have done this?" I through about this so hard before even researching it, and almost a year before discussing it with my doctor. In fact, I was so well prepared that them I finally chose to do it and I was approved in less than 3 weeks. I know there are a lot of people out there who have had no regrets, never second guested, and had no problems (while I was in the hosptial for 3 days after my 6th week for dehydration).
Has anyone felt this way?
Normal normal normal. Depression is very common after surgery. Your body is going through very fast changes. Your hormones may be mixed up too. See your doctor about these as well. The patch works great, and talking to someone about your doubts also important. Also, don't get chained to your scale if this also depresses you. Use your clothes as a guide. Huuuugzzzzz. I am here if you want to chat.
10 Weeks out .. and 50 pounds gone . Gurl you need to be jumping on the mountain tops .. Lemme see ya try that on Jenny Craig LOL.. and if you are a slow looser .. who cares .. you are a looser man .. a big ole looser .. and you are doing just fine !!
We all or atleast most of us .. go thru some type of " Holy Moly Batman .. what the Hey .. " But I can tell you ,, I have never regreted this surgery one minute ,,
Many go thru this with no problems at all. I for one have been so fortunate .. except for the fact .. I dump on everything .. and I do not eat sugar .. go figure ., LOL
You are doing great .. and have such a wonderful journey to continue. Stay focused and positive . Never doubt yourself or the tool you where given .
This surgery saved my life .. and I would do it again and again .
Best wishes and much love to you !
Hi Jane....You are doing great...I am the slow looser...78 pounds in 4 months but then again I am alot older than these spring chicks on here. And everyone is right, depression is very normal after this surgery....I went through a separation right after my surgery so I expected to feel depressed but when you start trying on clothes and they are too big...what a rush. Make sure you are drinking lots of protein and getting your fluids...that is really important. Good luck and you are doing great. Your old self is going to disappear and you will be a new woman....
I know exactly what you are going through. I'm a slow loser & I too had the same feelings, my surgery was Feb. 1st then, my birthday came around on the 27th of Feb. & no one remember it! The night after my birthday I sat on the couch & cried my eyes out
wondering, what the
did I do!
I called my niece & she pointed out a lot of positive things to me. One was that food was my crutch, I ate whatever I wanted & as much as I wanted. No one controled that part of my life but me...at the same time I was headed for a shorter life span.
I was headed for a horrible bout with
scrosis* of the liver (*I'm sure I misspelled that word), not to mention diabetes &...
well, you know, all that yucky stuff! Anyway, by the next day I was feeling so much better
I think it had to do with the fact that I talked to someone about it. So, please don't give up. Talk to someone who understands & just like everyone said here today, it will amaze you when your clothes start to get bigger & bigger. A new you will emerge before your very own eyes
& you to will say...yes I did make the right decision & yes it was worth it!
We understand & we luv ya, Anastasia