This Day in History
Okay, I thought I might start doing this. Kathy's "Thought of the Day" gave me the inspiration. Enjoy!
On this day in ...
* 1775, Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys captured the
British-held fortress at Ticonderoga, N.Y.
* 1865, Union forces captured Confederate President Jefferson Davis
in Irwinville, Ga.
* 1869, a golden spike was driven at Promontory, Utah, marking the
completion of the first transcontinental railroad in the United
* 1933, the Nazis, ym"sh, staged massive public book burnings in
* 1940, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigned, and
Winston Churchill formed a new government.
* 1968, preliminary Vietnam peace talks began in Paris.
* 1994, the state of Illinois executed serial killer John Wayne Gacy
for the murders of 33 young men and boys. ALSO: Nelson Mandela took
the oath of office to become South Africa's first black president.
* 1996, two Marine helicopters collided in the dark and crashed in a
swamp at Camp Lejeune, N.C., during a U.S.-British training
exercise, killing 14 people.
* 2001, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to withhold some
back U.N. dues until the United States was reinstated on the U.N.
Commission on Human Rights. ALSO: The Justice Department handed over
thousands of documents it said should have been provided to Oklahoma
City bomber Timothy McVeigh's attorneys --- because of the blunder,
McVeigh's execution, set for May 16, was postponed. Boeing chose
Chicago as the site for its new headquarters, replacing Seattle. The
World Wrestling Federation announced it would fold the upstart XFL
football league.
* 2005, cheered by tens of thousands in the former Soviet republic
of Georgia, President Bush urged the spread of democracy across the
former communist world and beyond. Germany dedicated its new
national Holocaust memorial.

Me too well uh sometimes...I am married to the "History Sponge"
he soaks up EVERYTHING about World Wars, Rev, Civil etc. Kat wants to see some shiny knives and kewl guns and flags and cannons going off...and uh it's lovely they wore wool in the summer but uh Kat hears BLAH BLAH BLAH after a while.
Oh the horrors of a history lesson @ 7 am when I am TRYING to sleep....