New pictuHres -
Wow Donna, you are looking beautiful gf.....Course you always were beautiful but you look so much younger (courrse you don't look your age anyway) That was the first time I really saw a picture of your before and I am amazed...An yeah, I catch myself in the mirror at the mall or somewhere and have to do a double take...yup it is me.
Look how far you have come!! I am so proud of you, as you must be of yourself!! (I saw a pic or two with me in it
And the next time you are offered a motorcycle ride, take it!! I beg my brother every so often, and he always tells me no (But then again, I ask him to cross state lines and take us away for a weekend, and he dosent wanna ride that far *two up*. He is the one that took that amazing trip on his bike to the southern tip of south america)
And one more thing...Cleve says the same thing as Greg does, that he has never seen me like that, to which I respond, are you BLIND?? Heck, I saw MYSELF like that, and somedays I still do, well most actually now.....still feel like I am FAT. I hope that goes away sometime soon!!
Lets get together sometime soon!! And I am still gonna take you up on a day with my little baby for a few hours
Just need to figure out when with you!!
Your profile looks great, you look great, Greg looks great, your family looks great, I am proud of you

Hey cutie, of course there would be a picture of you in my profile!! Someone who made the trip to visit me in the District on her anniversary!! There is no way I wouldn't want to have a few pictures - at least - of us together. I wish I had more. I had a good one that I liked from the NOVA dinner but I couldn't get the sucker to get off it's side!! I kept rotating, but it kept going back!!! too weird.
yes, I still say I would love to take care of your little one!! Give yourself a day and let me do it sometime!! I could do any day. Just let me know.
Thanks Dianna, for everything. I went to Pilates the other day and I was completely clothed in things you had given me -- I so much appreciate that, and are still getting use out of them.

(deactivated member)
on 5/10/06 9:32 am - Grass Doghouse by da' beach, VA
on 5/10/06 9:32 am - Grass Doghouse by da' beach, VA
Hiya Donna! Heck, I never could pass up pics of a cheerleader
You looked AMAZING in January and it only keeps getting better! And for the record, Lei couldn't be more right in her comment about Greg! Lei keeps telling me "I'm Biased", to which I respond..."Yup...sure am"!! Anyway, again, you look absolutely wonderful and I hope we can all get together again soon! Have a great week and weekend!