Bill - Stephanie's husband ( Stephaniewhydoyouneedtoknow) is approved . He found out today . You ask .. why is Tink posting this .. well he can not get logged on to the board for some reason and I wanted EVERYONE to know .. He just found out today .
I want you all to know that this man is a fighter , He has shared with me his appeal letters and we have been corresponding and talking on the phone . He was and is so determined to get his life back and I sit here in tears writing this . When I talked to him today , he was telling me that Hillary submitted the paperwork last week and I told him to hang up with me and call .. what could it hurt .. and he did .. and he has been approved since May the 2nd .
He does not have a date yet and I am sure will soon be posting it when he does . I just wanted our wonderful family here .. to know tonight .. as he is so excited !!
Bill .. I am so happy for you .. and look forward to our first jump out of that airplane together !!!!
Here is Bill's Profile .
Much love to you all !
Yes he is approved WOOHOOOOO

after four appeals and getting ready to take Dr. Hutcher down to the insurance company office with me to start kicking ass Martrix style they approved me with out even getting everything they wanted to see first. GO FIGURE they knew I was packing
Dr. H and was not afraid to use him! I want who ever to come see me in the hospital especially all you cute chicks! I will post again when I get the date I will be ringing hiliaries line at 0900 Thanks to all of you who told me never give up togather WE all defeated the beast! besides I have a date to jump with nat!
Ps. how do I get a cool pic on my fourm posts?