Recent Posts
Topic: Jeremy Norman on ET Monday!
Some of you that attending the Costa Mesa event will remember that Entertainment Tonight was taping during the event. It was mentioned about Jeremy's story and the producers became interested in putting together a surprise for Jeremy. Our wonderful staff have been very active in getting this surprise to be a reality for Jeremy and the surprise finally happened this past week.
Jeremy is now home for those that didn't know. He's still not able to walk after almost 15 months. They did an interview and special surprise for him. They caught it all on tape. Check your Local listings for times on for Monday's Entertainment Tonight! :jump: Tune in to see the surprise he gets.
Here's Jeremy's profile:
Jeremy is now home for those that didn't know. He's still not able to walk after almost 15 months. They did an interview and special surprise for him. They caught it all on tape. Check your Local listings for times on for Monday's Entertainment Tonight! :jump: Tune in to see the surprise he gets.
Here's Jeremy's profile:
Topic: RE: Any Utahns around
Hi, I am not a Utahn but I live in Provo and would like to know if there are any support groups around here.
Topic: Please Vote, I need support
I am trying to become a contestant for a Fitness Challenge. I had written an essay for the Kokomo Tribune and have been chosen as 1 of 5 people to be voted on. I am asking for support of any and everyone I may know. I need to get people to vote on my essay. This requires people to log onto and click on The Fitness Challege. There you will be able to read the essays and have an opportunity to vote. In order to vote you have to register which takes like 5 minutes, and it has to be an email other than hotmail, and yahoo. It did accept my school email. So I am sure you have all seen me in on here and understand my desire to want to get a gym membership and an opportunity to change my life. Please please please assist me in this process. I am normally a quiet person, but in this case, I am not too shy to beg. You will know your vote went through because at the end the results will pop up.
Amy Ashley
Topic: Walking Challenge
I have been using the Walking Forum as my own personal space to log my walking goals. I have decided to expand a little and issue a challenge to all the walkers in OH land.
Set a goal in minutes or miles for the month of February. Every time you walk, go to the walking forum and log it. At the end of the month see if you reached your goal. It is that simple!
I will walk 10 hours in the month of February.
I will walk 25 miles in the month of February.
These can be any type of walks - around the neighborhood, the track, treadmill, mall walks, Walk Away the Pound videos, what ever. But they do need to be walks, not exercise in general.
Come on, let's get out there and walk!
Topic: OH Magazine Issue 1 2006
The OH Magazine year is beginning with the fabulously D'Lushus Guadalupe D'Lushus and her story about her weight loss transformation. This issue focuses on nutrition for a healthy lifestyle introducing readers to nutrition and healing by Jim Duffy; the post-op diet challenge by Kimberly Do; and healthy habits for successful travel by Janet Gossum. Fans of the popular television show Dr. 90210 will be excited to read about Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Linda Li as she speaks to OH Magazine's Barbara Bietz. If you have not had a chance to subscribe, you can log onto The $25 per year bi-monthly magazine always provides informative articles for those on their surgical weight loss journey. You can also subscribe by calling toll free 1-866-297-4966. If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to [email protected].
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager :type:
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager :type:
Topic: New Message boards: Sneak Peek
Hi OH Members :kiss:
This is not the complete version release for the new message boards, but we want you involved in the process. Take a moment to go take a look at the new message board design, and features. We would appreciate your feedback so far on the message board, and understand there are many more things to come before a final release. You will notice some new things like signature line, color/size font, edit and delete. It's a good start at what's to come.
To get a sneak peek of the message board (many more changes coming):
Sneak Peek
Thanks for bearing with us and please know we are working hard to make sure YOUR ideas/suggestions are part of the new design.
Amy Williams
Member Services Dept.
This is not the complete version release for the new message boards, but we want you involved in the process. Take a moment to go take a look at the new message board design, and features. We would appreciate your feedback so far on the message board, and understand there are many more things to come before a final release. You will notice some new things like signature line, color/size font, edit and delete. It's a good start at what's to come.
To get a sneak peek of the message board (many more changes coming):
Sneak Peek
Thanks for bearing with us and please know we are working hard to make sure YOUR ideas/suggestions are part of the new design.
Amy Williams
Member Services Dept.
Topic: Prader Willi Patients
We need your help! If you suffer from prader willi syndrome, or know someone who suffers from prader willi, who had weight loss surgery we need to talk to you. OH Magazine is working with a researcher who is trying to gather information regarding how a patient with the syndrome coped before and is coping after weight loss surgery. The information will be gathered for a future article in OH Magazine. If you can help us with this research, please send an email to me at [email protected] and tell me your name, phone number, email address and what your current situation is with prader willi. Thank you.
Ronda Einbinder
OH Staff Writer :type:
Ronda Einbinder
OH Staff Writer :type:
Topic: 2 days post op report
Just wanted to let you know that surgery on Friday went perfect. I've lost quite a bit of weight already due to a week of liquids and not being hungry at all now. Working on my min. amt of fluids and protein. I feel pretty darn good, just a little tired from lack of calories. I have to laugh when i dish up a huge 1/4 cup of soup for dinner and then actually struggle to eat it in 20 minutes. Lmao. I wondered aloud before the surgery how that would ever be possible. That looks like two slurps. lol. Also woke up this morning with a really tight band. Wow, barely got 2 baby sips of liquid pain meds in. I'll take it though. Love being a bander and a TOTAL LOSER.
Topic: Please support a fellow LOSER!
I am posting this for Robyn as she is enroute home from Northern California.
Hello everyone!
We have a new LOSER among us. My new Angelette Robin Robbins underwent a safe and successful surgery this morning at Inland Valley Hospital in Wildomar with Dr. Suh. I just got off the phone with her and she sounded terrific! She will be discharged on Friday morning. Happy day!
Let's flood Robin's surgery page with our support and best wishes.
Thanks so much!
Topic: Obesity Study
Hello Members :wave:
This study is totally up to you on if you want to be part of it. Please read over the following information and visit the link to be part of this study.
Amy Williams
Member Service Dept.
Your participation is requested in a study designed to measure distress in a sample of people with morbid obesity who is involved in Internet support sites for weight loss surgery.
The study has four criteria:
1) ages 18-80 years
2) United States citizenship
3) reading at a 6th grade level
4) not currently an in-patient at a Mental Health Facility.
There is minimal risk for participants, and there is possible change in the way that professionals assess, treat, and provide aftercare to people who struggle with the issues of distress, weight loss surgery, and obesity. The study is confidential and factors that may identify participants will be removed. However, even the most respected researcher can not completely guarantee confidentiality.
To take part in this study, please click on the link:
or contact Susan M. Smith (320) 492-0327 or [email protected].
The link will be functional until March 1, 2006.
This study is totally up to you on if you want to be part of it. Please read over the following information and visit the link to be part of this study.
Amy Williams
Member Service Dept.
Your participation is requested in a study designed to measure distress in a sample of people with morbid obesity who is involved in Internet support sites for weight loss surgery.
The study has four criteria:
1) ages 18-80 years
2) United States citizenship
3) reading at a 6th grade level
4) not currently an in-patient at a Mental Health Facility.
There is minimal risk for participants, and there is possible change in the way that professionals assess, treat, and provide aftercare to people who struggle with the issues of distress, weight loss surgery, and obesity. The study is confidential and factors that may identify participants will be removed. However, even the most respected researcher can not completely guarantee confidentiality.
To take part in this study, please click on the link:
or contact Susan M. Smith (320) 492-0327 or [email protected].
The link will be functional until March 1, 2006.