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Topic: Live Surgery Webcast
Live Bariatric Webcast June 15, 2005
Dr. Adam Naaman will be performing innovative gastric bypass weight loss surgery live on June 15th at 5:30pm CDT.
To learn more about this webcast, please visit:
Thanks, Staff
Live Bariatric Webcast June 15, 2005
Dr. Adam Naaman will be performing innovative gastric bypass weight loss surgery live on June 15th at 5:30pm CDT.
To learn more about this webcast, please visit:
Thanks, Staff
Topic: RE: Insurance Questions - Please Help :help:
Hello Christine:
I'm sorry to hear that your heading down the dreaded "will my insurance cover it" road.
I have IHC and they refussed everything I tried to do to get them to pay for it. I finally had to self pay in Mexico. It was a wonderful experience and I wouldn't change a thing. I had a better Dr. there than I do with IHC.
I think IHC owes me a debit of gratitude in that I'm off all my diabieties meds and my high blood pressure meds. My next goal is to get off the
C-Pap machine. I'm saving IHC a fortune!!!
Good luck with your appeals. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Topic: RE: Insurance Question - Please Help
Hello well I am here to tell you you are not a lone I went thought the same thing for 5 years!! and than one day they said YES!!! I am now out 6 months and doing great 155 pounds down!! I can tell you to fight fight fight!! I did I never stop you need to bug them so much they can't stand it have your dr send in the paper work you send in all the paper work you have and anything you have ever tride to lose wieght it all helps and good luck if you have anymore ??? just ask I am to help!!!

Topic: RE: Insurance troubles - need advice...
I would fight with Altius. If you have enough comorbid conditions they might cover it. I would fight until you can't fight anymore.
Topic: Insurance Questions - Please Help :help:
I've decided like many of you to have WLS. I currently have Regence ValueCare (BCBS of Utah) on an individual policy as my employer does not offer health benefits.
In my policy it lists WLS as an exclusion. I've talked to my insurance agent and he says that sometimes they will approve WLS if it is proved medically necessary.
My questions are:
1. Has anyone been in a similar situation and been approved?
2. Where WLS is written as an exclusion should I go through the appeals process or am I setting myself up for devastation?
3. Are there any other resources to pay for WLS without having to take out a loan?
4. As an exclusion I know I will be denied at first. Should I contact my insurance and ask them about WLS or should I just have my WL surgeon's office submit the paperwork first?
I could really use some help and hope that someone out there has some answers.
Thanking you in advance,
Topic: Insurance Question - Please Help
I've decided like many of you to have WLS. I currently have Regence ValueCare (BCBS of Utah) on an individual policy as my employer does not offer health benefits.
In my policy it lists WLS as an exclusion. I've talked to my insurance agent and he says that sometimes they will approve WLS if it is proved medically necessary.
My questions are:
1. Has anyone been in a similar situation and been approved?
2. Where WLS is written as an exclusion should I go through the appeals process or am I setting myself up for devastation?
3. Are there any other resources to pay for WLS without having to take out a loan?
4. As an exclusion I know I will be denied at first. Should I contact my insurance and ask them about WLS or should I just have my WL surgeon's office submit the paperwork first?
I could really use some help and hope that someone out there has some answers.
Thanking you in advance,
Topic: Insurance troubles - need advice...
Well, here's the thing. I want to have a LapBand placed, but I found out this morning that my insurance (Altius) will not cover that or any weight-related procedure. What I'm wondering is if any of you know of another insurance that will pay for the operation. Dr. Alldrege's office ( quoted me $12 to $15k as the price of the surgery. Since I am a college student, there is no way that I can afford that kind of expense. (It makes me want to consider mexico as an option... *shudder*)
I would love to embark on a long-winded tyrade about the stupidity of insurance companies (I'm currently fighting with them trying to prove that I really should be taking the cholesterol medication that my dr. prescribed... they don't think it's necessary! Apparently, they know best...) Anyway, I'll save my breath and not do that here. Still, Grrr.
So, if anyone knows of an insurance company that would likely pay for the operation (or any treatment for severe obesity), your advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Go to my profile update on 5/19/05 and see pictures of my surgeon.
Terry G
RNY/LAP 4/28/04
548/198 -350 Still working on goal of 165!!!1
Topic: Fashion Makeover Person Needed
Have you recently had a fashion makeover after losing weight? Do you need a fashion makeover while you are in the process of losing weight? We are looking for a professional person who works with larger bodied men and women on how they can best dress to meet their particular body needs. If you know someone who provides this service, please send an email to [email protected] and tell us how you know this person and how we can get in touch with him or her.
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager :type:
Ronda Einbinder
Public Relations Manager :type: