Risks of Gastric Bypass?
Wanting to learn the risks associated with the Gastric Bypass?
In partnering with Synovis Surgical Innovations, Obesityhelp is happy to announce we have a free informational webcast on the risks with gastric bypass.
*Blood Clots
*Bowel Obstructions
*Gastrointestinal Leaks
You can view this webcast on this link: http://www.obesityhelp.com/surgeryrisks/ and click "view presentation". You may have to download the plug in before viewing the webcast which is at the bottom of the page. If you've seen this webcast before or this is your first time please let us know your thoughts about it. If you can post here or email your comments to [email protected] This link is to help educate our members and we hope that you found it helpful.
Amy Williams
Member Services
In partnering with Synovis Surgical Innovations, Obesityhelp is happy to announce we have a free informational webcast on the risks with gastric bypass.
*Blood Clots
*Bowel Obstructions
*Gastrointestinal Leaks
You can view this webcast on this link: http://www.obesityhelp.com/surgeryrisks/ and click "view presentation". You may have to download the plug in before viewing the webcast which is at the bottom of the page. If you've seen this webcast before or this is your first time please let us know your thoughts about it. If you can post here or email your comments to [email protected] This link is to help educate our members and we hope that you found it helpful.
Amy Williams
Member Services
EVERYONE!!!!!!!! should view this presentation. I had the bleeding problem the second day right after passing the leak test. It was extreme and I nearly died. The Dr's could not tell me what happened, and to this day they just bru**** off. It was scary for over 6 hours to continually be throwing up vast amounts of blood. I was in a coma after 2 hours and when my hubby arrived at the hospital to visit, and saw me lying in a bed filled with my bloody vomit, he threw a fit. That is when Stanford finally did something to help me. After getting plasma pumped into me and care, the bleeding stopped, and I regained conciousness. Until I saw this presentation last week, I wondered what had happened to me. The illustrious John Morton who claims to be the top bariatric surgeon in the USA should watch it as well and learn from it.
Second I was lucky enough to have a second risk hit me. in the obstructions section of the presentation it also talks about herniated intestines. This is what I'm having surgery to correct next week. I do not fear what is wrong with me as much as I would if I had not seen this presentation. It explained what happened and why. It also tells you how they fix it. I wish all Dr's (listen up John Morton) would make all their potential patients view it.