Da Shrinking Dawg Ramon’s Posts

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/16/04 11:29 pm
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/16/04 5:01 am
Topic: RE: Newbie needing info on Arlington
Yes I read the QOTD and for those people that want to know who talked to Adriana about being a newbie and feeling left out it was me. Adriana has been very friendly to me and I appreciate it. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/16/04 4:37 am
Topic: RE: Newbie needing info on Arlington
Hello there.. I have only posted a few times and I am wondering about the meeting in Arlington.. I have been lurking around on the site for a while and finally thought I would post a message..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 2/19/04 11:48 pm
Topic: RE: I have my Pysch appointment
I was informed yesterday that I have an appointment with my Pysch dr. and I was wondering what to expect. This is from Scott and White in Temple, so if anyone knows anything about this appointment please let me know.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 2/18/04 1:00 am
I have a few worries but my main one is who will help raise my nephews and neice? I took them in back in 1991 when my brother was murdered and although one boy is out of school and the girl will soon be, I will still have one that is a freshman in high school. I know I have other brothers to help me but they all have their own lives. But I put all things in the BIG man's hands and I know all will be well.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 2/4/04 2:59 am
Topic: RE: Does anyone ever use the chat room on the Texas Forum?
I have beem to the chat room many times on here and it is always empty. Does anyone ever go there? Or is there another chat where you all go?
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 2/3/04 10:18 pm
Topic: RE: Any Central Texas Members??
Yes Dr. Crouch is a fairly famous person around this place.. Hell I would be too if i dispensed drugs like he does..lol.. The one thing that sucks about going to Scott and White is the road trip from here is so boring. I drive like 80 mph to keep from being bored.. I am so ready to have the surgery t isn't funny. I am tired of hurting..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 2/3/04 10:14 pm
Topic: RE: Any Central Texas Members??
WHy did it take so long to get the surgery after you finished your endo? I hope that it doesn't take me that long because I too am a teacher and I wanted to have the surgery in June possibly the 16th on my birthday. I teach in E-town..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 2/3/04 10:10 pm
Topic: RE: Any Central Texas Members??
Yes that is close in fact I am in Stephenville a lot. You all have a super Wally world. I you want to email me and we will see about meeting one day. I am going to the Scott and White in Temple. In fact, I have an appointment tomorrow. I will let you all know if anything has changed. Like maybe I dropped a pound or two.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 2/3/04 4:53 am
Topic: RE: Any Central Texas Members??
I just want to talk to some people from around here. If you are on the S&W health plan they make you go on a doctor supervised diet for 6 months before you can have the surgery. And I am in my 3rd month of that. What will you be doing in Gatesville?
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 2/3/04 4:22 am
Topic: RE: Any Central Texas Members??
I am in the 3rd month of my six month endo visits to Scott and White and I am interested in hearing from people
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