Da Shrinking Dawg Ramon’s Posts

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/14/04 2:52 am
Topic: RE: TWO WLS Moments in One day
I will be totally shocked if I ever find any bones in my body.. But I have noticed that I have ankles. Whereas I used to have cankles ( where the calves and the ankles are the same size) come to think of it, the ankle is a bone.. wow.. Well this is your day so I won't steal your thunder. Congrats on your WLS moments.. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/14/04 2:46 am
Topic: RE: Hubby home from Iraq!
Congrats on having your DH home.. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/13/04 3:53 am
Topic: RE: I have a pic up on profile..
Man, I can't wait Cecil... I have so many things I want to do. I am near Gatesville. So I am not too far from you. Do you attend the Waco Support group?
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/13/04 3:48 am
Topic: RE: ~Roll Call~ For EVERYONE
Okay I am pre-op but I will still answer the questions.. How far away from the Century Club are you??? (Century Club is -100) I am down 59 pounds since November. What is your Favorite NEW Food? Since I eat so much of it mine is sugar-free jello. What is the Food you miss most?? Home-made tortillas What is your Favorite Protien Drink? none yet Do you belong to a support group? this great one Go getter or Follower?? neither Do not follow because I may not lead; Do not lead because I may not follow; But instead walk beside me and be my FRIEND Coffee or Tea?? Decaffinated Tea Do you set goals for yourself?? Yes I have a few Walk or Run? Walk dog or cat? Cat now because my bit@h of a neighbor poisend my dog. Open or Lap? I hope to have Lap Are you a true Diva?? I am a true diva's man..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/12/04 10:34 am
Topic: RE: I have a pic up on profile..
How do you get it to come up when you post a message? PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/12/04 6:34 am
Topic: RE: I have a pic up on profile..
Okay people.. This is me.. I hope you all are not easily scared but this is what you get.. Have a great evening.. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/12/04 5:02 am
Topic: RE: Good Stuff & Bad Stuff, Some OT-LONG
F@ck them and feed them Fish eyes.. My Bad.. Your brothers sound like my aunts. But congrats on not going on a binge. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/11/04 2:34 pm
I consider myself too manly for stud muffin so we will have to go with something else. I am Big Dawg 2 so I could be Shrinking Dawg..lol Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/11/04 1:32 pm
Topic: RE: I passed my psych testing
At Scott and White they want you to have a BMI of 59 or less to have lap RNY.. Well if I would have stayed 5'10" I would have been there by now.. But since I lost 2 inches somewhere I have to lose another 20 lbs. I will find out my surgery date on the 23rd. Then I will have one last pig out for a Thanksgiving in May. LOL.. Then I will hopefully be on the losing side. I thank you for writing and I too am glad I'm not crazy although I feel like I may be headed that way. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/11/04 1:23 pm
Topic: RE: I passed my psych testing
Sorry about taking so long to answer but I have been at my brother's and plus I went to church.. lol Sorry that it willl be raining some more lol ! ! I got to spend time with my young nephews.. and that makes my day. I am going to try and go to the support group next week. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/11/04 1:20 pm
What are guys that have the surgery considered?? lol
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/11/04 1:18 pm
Topic: RE: I passed my psych testing
I am trying to lose the weight in order to have the closed surgery. You aren't required to do it but I chose to in order to have hopefully the easier of the two surgeries. I have been taking phenterimine 37.5 mg and to me it seems to be helping. But a lot of mine is I have totally changed my eating habits.. I don't eat what my family eats. I don't drink cokes, eat sweets and I try to cut down on the carbs. Also I have been exercising a lot more than before. By that I mean I try to do at least a mile a day 3 times a week. And lift weights. I hope you the best in your WLS journey. Feel free to email me anytime.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/10/04 12:25 pm
Topic: RE: I passed my psych testing
Just a note to let you all know this has a ****%y week. Both my grandparents are sick. My next door neighbor was in an accident and may be paralized. But through all of this I managed to pass my psych test. I will hopefully get a date on the 23rd. Oh and I lost another 11 lbs. but I also lost two inches.. lol not the good inches. I was told I was 5'*' not 5' 10" as I had written down so that changes everything. That means I will have to lose another 20 lbs. in order to have the lap RNY. But on a lighter side the nurse told me that all men "always" lie about two extra inches.. I almost said that well that means I have three inches but I didn't.. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/4/04 11:48 pm
Topic: RE: I have my Pysch appointment tomorrow, Any input??
I have my Pysch appointment tomorrow and I was wondering if any of you all have gone through the testing at Scott and White in Temple. I don't know what to expect but I have heard that there are at least 500 questions. Please wish me luck. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/1/04 2:49 am
I just thought of another one. A TIME TO KILL with Samuel L. Jackson
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/31/04 11:35 pm
I must be a freak because I have two favorite movies and they are so different it isn't even funny. They are Natural Born Killers. "Sh*t man, I'm a Natural Born Killer" (the greatest line in that movie) And the other is The Breakfast Club. "Hey, Show DIck some respect." (the best line in that movie) I know it is an odd pair but they both good.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/30/04 4:30 am
Topic: RE: Fun Question
I graduated from Hamilton High.. CLASS OF 1985 My favorite group was and still is.. AC/DC FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK.. WE SALUTE YOU!!!
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/26/04 3:05 am
Topic: RE: ***The Award Goes Tooooo???***
I have to say that I am still a newbie of sort and Adasha was one of the first to make me feel welcome. I have a lot of respect for the things she does to help others. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/23/04 12:44 am
Topic: RE: OT - I need to verbalize some thoughts - very long
I lost my brother to murder in 1991, it has been a long hard battle to deal with his murder. I went from being a 24 year old free spirit to have 3 kids in one night. But through the tough times I always remember a saying that a friend told me. As long as you loved the ones you lost; you will never lose the ones you loved. I have several tattoos honoring my brother and it is one way for me to keep him with me. God Bless You Peace Ramon
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/22/04 4:56 am
Hey Adi.. Just checking on you. I've missed reading your Q's??
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/17/04 2:50 am
Topic: RE: Poll: To tell or not to tell?
I'm telling only men.. That way when their women leave them for me they will know why.. LMAO J/K Honestly I have told my close friends and some of my students. They ask about it. As for my family my mom was a normal mom and worried about it but my brothers were like "whatever helps you be here longer" I am just ready to become a big loser....
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/17/04 2:42 am
Topic: RE: Q.O.T.D.
You forgot E where you tell them to F-OFF.. j/k. I think I would let them know that it isn't as easy as they think and that some people have to have it so they can live longer. In fact I was helping a kid with his homework today and it asked what was wrong with this statement: He is fat because he eats too much. I was shocked that the kid said no because there are all sorts of things that can affect you becoming obese. Of course this is one of my long-timers who is probably tired of hearing about my surgery, but it made me feel halfway good that I taught him at least that much. I find it interesting that a lot of the kids in school are interested in the surgery since I will be having it. A lot of them come up and talk to me about it and ask questions about how I will do and stuff. I just hope that none of them ever need it but if something happens and they do I will have served as good example.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 3/16/04 11:41 pm
Topic: RE: Newbie needing info on Arlington
I have a meeting with Psych on April 6th. And then a doctors consult on the 23rd.. I hope to have my surgery sometime in June. And then be down 100 by Christmas.. lol
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