Da Shrinking Dawg Ramon’s Posts

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/29/04 1:07 pm
Topic: RE: Thanks for all of your support
Phil You LOSER ! ! ! I hope to be on your side soon.. Come on July 7th. I am glad that things are going well.. Good luck with your loss.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/29/04 3:46 am
Can't they do a stress test by shooting something into your heart. I have heard that they can because when I was going to have one they were going to do it another way. Ask them if there is an alternative.
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/29/04 3:44 am
Being a male teacher I can not grow my hair long enough to donate to locks of love but I did let a 9 year old little girl with cancer shave (mangle) my hair because kids at school were making fun of her's. When she cut it she left pieces here and there and I was going to fix it but she told me that I had to leave it that way because I had told her it was "JUST" hair and it was no big deal. Needless to say I walked around for a week like this before she finally let me cut it. Sadly to say Jennie left us two months later but i kept my hair that way for almost 2 years.. So if any of you ladies decide to donate to this program you have my upmost respect. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/28/04 3:47 am
Topic: RE: Phil Terry update
Good Luck Phil.. I will light a candle for you Bro.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/27/04 8:15 am
Topic: RE: Diva lovin' song
As a man you want your woman to know how special she is so mine would have to be "when a man loves a woman" Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/26/04 2:55 pm
Topic: RE: A little upset
**HUGS** and I hope things go better for you.. I will keep you in my prayers.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/25/04 2:33 pm
Topic: RE: New Hairdo!!
Well I was just kidding.. I already have highlights.. they are called two gray hairs.. I hate them but I don't want to pull them.. lol.. Dang I am vain am I not?? It would be so fun to go out together.. Occasionally I take a group of ladies for a girls night out to wild country in Killeen.. I am the DD.. But if not there we need to set up a time and have place to meet. I would love to. I will see about getting there.. And I do so love the hair.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/25/04 1:19 pm
Topic: RE: New Hairdo!!
Well my angel I am sure any hair-do that you have will look more than great on you. As long as you like it that is all that matters.. I may put highlights in my goatee but for right now I will keep the bald head going.. Peace..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/23/04 8:51 am
Topic: RE: I HAVE A DATE..
I took the EKG today and I passed.. So I am scheduled to have my surgery on July 7th. I am a little mad that it wasn't on my birthday in June but Hey at least I am having the surgery.. Have a good evening.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/22/04 12:19 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery Consultation Tomorrow
Thanks.. you have done well in your journey.. I hope I will do as well as you have.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/22/04 12:17 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery Consultation Tomorrow
I just hope I am able to drive home safely. I know I will be so stoked.. I will get online as soon as I get home.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/22/04 12:15 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery Consultation Tomorrow
Well Mrs. Rachel may I say congrats as you have offically been named Angel de Ramon. You have been so nice to me since day one on the board it just seems like a perfect choice. The thing that I like about Paulette is her sense of humor. When I told her I was 5'10" she told me no you're not. Of course being a man I said yes I am. Well we measured and I was 5'8" well then she made the comment that don't feel bad because all men lie about two inches.. I thought d@mn what a lady. I answered her by saying well I must have 2 1/2 inches.. she loved it.. I will let you know as soon as I walk out of the hospital unless you are there. Then of course you will know at the same time I do.. lol PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/22/04 12:09 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery Consultation Tomorrow
gracias.. and I hope you are right.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/22/04 12:08 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery Consultation Tomorrow
That is funny about my date with a man huh.. I will keep you in my prayers and hope things work out for you. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/22/04 12:06 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery Consultation Tomorrow
I sure will Grace.. It is so nice to have people helping me out on this trip.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/22/04 12:05 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery Consultation Tomorrow
GOOD LUCK tomorrow.. I hope things go well for you..I will post ASAP when i find out.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/22/04 12:46 am
Topic: RE: Surgery Consultation Tomorrow
Well people we are getting down to the nitty gritty of this WLS journey. I have a dayful of doctor's visits tomorrow. I start off bright and early with an EKG. The last one I had in 2002 was okay so I hope this one is too. Then I meet with Paulette Whitfield.. If you do not know this lady she is a hoot. After that 3 hours of down time. Then the magic moment. I will meet with my doc and hopefully get a date. I have been on a few dates in my life but something tells me that this date with a MAN will be one of the most memorable in my life. LMAO. I can't believe I am so uptight about having a date with a man. My Bad. Well I want to thank all of you for your support so far and I hope that I will continue to get more of it. By the way if anyone would like to I still don't have an angel . I don't want to burden anyone but it would be nice. Well you all have a good day. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/22/04 12:35 am
Topic: RE: I have added another pic.
I just emailed it so hopefully it will be up soon.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/21/04 12:14 am
Topic: RE: Q.O.T.D.
I want some reason to be happy. I haven't truly been happy since my brother's murder and it is time for the sad clown just to be a clown for a change. I know it has been 12 years since it happened but it still bothers me. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/20/04 1:17 pm
Topic: RE: Wearing some 12s!!
Good Job.. I am size 11 1/2.. shoes that is.. Congrats and hopefully I will soon be on the losing side with you.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/19/04 4:53 am
Topic: RE: I have added another pic.
My last meeting will be May 4th.. I have a consultation with the surgeon this Friday.. I am so stoked but I also have to pass an EKG then too.. So keep your fingers crossed.. I hope to have a cheering section at the hospital..lmao.. They may need to add a wing just for my fans.. lmao.. Thank you for your support. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/19/04 4:49 am
Topic: RE: I'VE GOTTA DATE!!!!
Well when I see one following you I will tell him you said hi.. lmao PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/19/04 4:30 am
Topic: RE: I have added another pic.
That is just a face pic.. I am ALL @ss and stomach.. lol.. D@mn. I sound so vain... but I will hopefully be in the 300's by May 5th
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/19/04 4:28 am
Topic: RE: I'VE GOTTA DATE!!!!
CONGRATS.. Well no offense but I hope that we don't continue the way we have been with you being a week ahead of me on everything.. I want to be ahead of you this time.. And go on the 16th. Once again congrats.. By the way everyone. Cheryl runs a great support group and if you are ever around Waco on meeting nights try and attend.. Peace
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 4/19/04 12:56 am
Topic: RE: I have added another pic.
I just wanted you all to know that I have added a second pic.. This was taken at Kathy Jordan's office.. People she is a great lady at Scott and White. If you all have to go through the 6 month thing at S&W ask to have her for your endo meetings. I just wish I could get one to show up on my posts. PEACE HAVE A DIVA DAY
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