Da Shrinking Dawg Ramon’s Posts

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 4:53 am
Topic: RE: 2:17 am Arlington on my mind.
I bet you throw one helluva a party.. And I can say you would be the life of the party.. MOS DEF.. Thanks for being you.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 4:46 am
Topic: RE: Waco Support Groups
Yes there is one and in fact it meets this Friday at St. Albans (I THINK) on 29th and Waco Drive. You can contact Cheryl Kluk on here she will let you know all about it. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 3:51 am
Topic: RE: 2:17 am Arlington on my mind.
If you were concieted you would have the right to be because you have worked hard to get where you are at.. Wow 22 is a great number for you.. huh?? Are we all invited to the party? You can be Diva hot granny.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 2:13 am
Topic: RE: We should do this more often
If for nothing else just to stroke people's egos.. Did you not come away from there feeling better about yourself? Hell I know I did and I was just there a few hours.. I really enjoyed the time we spent together.. Thank you for letting me hang out.. **HUGS** PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 2:09 am
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
How are you doing? I am glad you made it home okay.. Dude, I had such a great time meeting you and Bo this past weekend.. I will most definitley be in contact with you to talk about the surgery and stuff.. I still have a month and a half before I go but you can bet I will be burning up the phone line the last week. As far as the profile.. hell I need to write more on there so I can have a better looking page. Can I snail mail you some pics that I want scanned? If not that is cool.. Thanks for putting on such a great convention.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 1:55 am
Topic: RE: 2:17 am Arlington on my mind.
Thanks Lil Kim.. I need to hang around you all more often because you all are good for my ego.. But you need to look in the mirror lady.. You were smoking the other night.. And to find out you have grown kids and look that good.. You should be an inspiration to all women having this surgery.. **HUGS** PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 1:42 am
Topic: RE: 2:17 am Arlington on my mind.
You know I have had a lot of people tell me that I need to change the way I think about myself. I had started to think about myself a little different but after the event I went home a different person.. But when you have been told all your life you are fat ugly person it just takes time to realize that you aren't and events like this past weekend help a lot. To be around all the pretty ladies that actually wanted to talk to me was so great. But in due time I am sure all that will change and I hope to become more like you.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 11:19 pm
Topic: RE: I can't get caught up
Lora-- I want to thank you for allowimg me to hang out with you and Rachel Saturday night. I enjoyed your company so much.. I am not even going to try and tell you how much I enjoyed it because I am sure you could have seen it in my eyes.. I am so glad I went and that I was accepted by you all.. We have to get together one day and have lunch. Have a great day. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 11:16 pm
Topic: RE: 2:17 am Arlington on my mind.
Bo-- There are so many things to say about Arlington but first of all I want to thank each and everyone of the people that had anything to do with putting on the convention. I have not felt so normal in a long time. Dude, I cried on the way home and for me to admit that takes a lot of guts because as you know, well I'm Ramon.. Second, I have been called a lot of things in my life and stud and demi-god have not been on that list at all.. So thank you I guess.. LMAO.. And then of course my angel, Rachel, could there be a more perfect woman? It felt so good to finally meet her. She made me feel comfortable right off the bat. Of course, she had all her training from her great angel Lora. By the way Lora thanks for letting me hang out with you. It was so great to me Lora and realize what I have been missing although we are just 37 miles apart. How about big Kirk?? Now that is a stud.. This one lady wanted to touch his hair but was scared to ask so I took her up to him and asked if she could touch his hair.. Is that not the ultimate ego trip?? And to the ladies of the Waco support group thank you for being there. I was so worried that I would be alone but then I knew you would be there.. Cheryl and the gang made me feel right at home. Now to the rest of all the beautiful ladies. I have been a 400 pound plus man most of my adult life but to have all these women come up to you and want to take your picture and to want to dance with you.. Can you imagine how I felt?? Hell I think I might have actually floated there for a while. Hell talk about having your ego stroked.. I think had I went the whole time my head would have exploded.. I have taken enough of your time and I want you all to know that I love all of you.. And hopefully when we do this next year I will have dropped a lot of weight and then I can really dance with you all.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 10:56 pm
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
Not a problem at all Teresa hell it was actually fun to meet people and to be honest I was so freaked out at the begining it wasn't funny.. Hell I haven't had my picture taken so many times (well except the mug shots j/k) in the last 10 years. And I know I haven't danced that much. I just hope I didn't break your camera. As for my angel I do believe she is a real angel on Earth. She is so special and I am glad she convinced me to go to Arlington. Have a good day.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 3:25 pm
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
I am sorry I didn't get to meet you too Shelly.. As far as being a great guy I only try to do what my mom taught me to do.. "Treat others the way I want to be treated" My mom raised for bad @ass boys on her own and I would be doing her a dishonor to treat people bad.. I hope to meet you someday too.. I have prayed for you before and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 3:16 pm
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
No problem Homes.. I would love to hang out with you.. In fact I want to have something to do with OH and hopefully get the message out to more men that this isn't only a "ladies" surgery.. I have started a fund so I can go next year and stay the whole time.. Like I have stated all along those four hours changed my life forever. You and Crow made me realize a lot about myself.. And seeing what there ladies have written about me really makes me feel good.. Thanks for putting on such a great convention.. I am so glad I made it for the time i was there.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 12:15 pm
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
Hey there Brenda, It was so neat seeing you because I had read your posts on the board and it was like meeting someone famous.. I am so happy that Rachel asked me to go. Hey if it was my birthday and I had a wife to share it with people would have been lucky to see me at all.. So I don't blame you for not hanging around. But hey that is what life is all about. We are going to try and decide a good date to meet.. But you will be more than welcome. Yes I came only for the luau and to meet my angel (who turned out to be a real angel on earth) she is so great.. I laughed about her home actually being closer to me but yet I drove twice as far just to meet her.. But she was worth the trip.. Hell I would have driven a lot farther to meet everyone that I did because I had an awesome time. Thanks to all of you.. I will add you to my yahoo in a little bit.. Have a good day tomorrow.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 7:53 am
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
I am used to women crying when I talk to them but not because I said something nice. LOL. You are a very beautiful young lady. It is amazing how cruel people can be. And it was so cool that I was treated like a person this weekend.. I am glad that you thought that I have a good soul.. Sometimes I feel that I don't have one after all the crap that I have been through.. But with friends like you I bet it will come back soon.. Please keep in touch and let me know how things are going.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 7:26 am
Topic: RE: Pictures from convention need names with the faces
I don't know what number the pic was but I am the big bald mexican. LMAO I saw that you had a pic of me in your group.. I am with my angel Rachel. Lora, Darrol and two other young ladies that I didn't get their names. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 7:22 am
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
Hey there my lovely Linda: I live in a very small town called Hamilton about 60 miles west of Waco. I am sure I could plan some time when we could go dance but as I have stated in my earlier posts that is the first time I have danced in about 10 years.. I just don't do it.. Now when I am a little lighter who knows.. but I felt so comfortable around that group of people and I knew they wouldn't judge me.. As far as the rhythm and soul I don't know about all that.. But I do love to sing although I can't carry a tune in a bucket. Thank you for the kind words.. I swear you all must have gotten together and made plans to make me feel better because I have needed it lately. Man, Rachel (my angel) thank you for convincing me to go.. I couldn't imagine how I would have felt had I stayed the whole time.. I am just so glad that I went because I met so many wonderful people like you. Thank you all for being there.. And Mrs Linda if worse comes to worse and we don't see each other until next year then I will save a dance for you.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 7:05 am
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
Okay I think we should have a convention like this everytime I feel down in the dumps which has been a lot lately simply because I haven't like this in a long time if ever.. i have been here all day reading all the things that have been said about me and I am really wondering if you all met me or not.. I have always struggled with my weight but have always been a good guy.. You know how in high school you have the guy friend that you can trust.. (either because he was gay or fat, well i'm not gay) I have always been him.. The jolly fat man but all along being the sad clown smiling on the inside while crying on the inside. But when I left the other night I felt so good and here is Cathy telling me that she felt I had a good soul.. Cathy do you know how good that makes me feel? I am just so happy that you thought enough of me to want to hug me. And as for allowing it?? Why on earth would a man turn away a hug from a beautiful lady? I have started an OH fund so I hope to see you all next year but you all won't see as much of me because I will be a loser as of July 7th.. Cathy, you can contact me anytime and if you want to I have yahoo messenger. I am stonecold903 on there, you have to message me because I am always invisible.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 6:51 am
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 6:46 am
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
Hot stuff?? Is there someone behind me because I know you are talking to me.. Or you must have a mirror on your monitor because you are the hottie.. Please tell your hubby how lucky I think he is to have you.. I have been talking about you all day and how lucky I was to have you looking after me.. You may only be five foot ONE inch but most of it is heart and all of it fulll of compassion.. I was so lucky to meet you both it was so great.. I hope to see you soon too.. I was in Killeen Sunday.. But you were in Arlington. But I bet I will make my way back up that way.. I will make sure and mark all the 5th fridays.. hell we may have to have lunch this week because next week is graduation.. If not we will some time soon.. I really enjoyed the time I spent with you and I am so glad I didn't turn back. I can't wait to see you again either.. My little angel.. I will be there the 7th with a gown on.. If I cry because I am scared just slap the hell out of me.. Thank you for being there.. You are truly one of a kind.. **HUGS** PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 5:32 am
Topic: RE: Regarding the ONLY low point of the conference
Hey they make a bad @ss shirt.. If you need a cover for your car I will have some a few months after July 7th..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 5:29 am
Topic: RE: getting close
I wish you nothing but the best. May God Bless and watch over you. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 5:24 am
Topic: RE: Regarding the ONLY low point of the conference
Okay let me tell you a story about little Mrs. Yvonne, when I first started coming to AMOS I was looking at profiles and her's happened to be one of the first I saw. Well as you can imagine as a PRE-OP and a big ogre like I was (still am surgery date July7th) I was very intimidated by her. I think my first email was about 30 words 20 of them telling her how great she looked and the rest telling her if she didn't write back it was okay.. To my suprise it wasn't 10 minutes later I had an email from her explaining to me that I could email her any time.. Well I said lets see if she is telling the truth so emailed her these short emails to see if she would answer, well she responded to each of them. Although she may be drop dead gourgeous she is also a champion for WLS. And she is one reason I have really gotten excited about the surgery. I have to say that I am so glad that God Blessed me with a buddy like her. And Yvonne thank you for just being you..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 5:08 am
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
I love Shrek.. My niece, who is 9, calls me uncle Shrek because although he is big and all he has a great heart and it makes me feel good that a little kid would say that about me, although she may have just wanted me to buy her something.. As far as not spending a lot of time with me.. I fully understand you were too busy putting on one hell of a convention..Thank you and all the other volunteers.. Besides.. I enjoyed the hug.. Lmao.. I am just so glad that I went.I was about 25 miles from my house and got a phone call from a friend inviting me to a bar but I am so glad I chose to go to Arlington.. Cheryl once again thanks for all you did to make this weekend great PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/17/04 4:42 am
Topic: RE: CHAT
Just let me know and I will be there.. It is so nice seeing all of you guys.. PEACE
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