Da Shrinking Dawg Ramon’s Posts

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 2:15 pm
Topic: RE: How great is this??
I had a good time and it was so cool that I got to spread the word about WLS and that is the best part.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 2:06 pm
Topic: RE: How great is this??
I am so ready to make the turn and become a loser.. I wished we had talked more in Arlington.. I have heard that I made a good impression there but I can't remember that much.. I was in a daze the whole night. That was also the night I met a very special person, My angel Rachel, well in all honesty I met lost of special people.. All the lovely ladies from the TMB.. Thanks for your support.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 1:47 pm
Topic: RE: How great is this??
Miss Jackie are you sure you are talking to me?? LOL.. All you wonderful women of the TMB are awesome..I am merely a product of my enviorment.. Thank You All PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 1:43 pm
Topic: RE: How great is this??
You see hearing from new post-op is great.. I am so concerned that I will not do well but most of the stuff I have heard here is all good stuff.. That will hopefully carry me on to a wonderful life change.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 1:31 pm
Topic: RE: How great is this??
Thank you very much.. It is people like you that will make my surgery a lot more bearable.. This will be a huge step for me and I am so ready to take it.. And if along the way I help others that will just be a HUGE plus.. I am just glad that I have people like you all to educate me so I may help others. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 1:18 pm
Topic: RE: How great is this??
Hey Lil Kim-- How is my sweet lady friend? I have to say it was top of the line.. lol You sound like me.. I bleed blue and metallic silver.. In fact I want to be cremated and spread on Texas Stadium and Doak Campbell Field (Florida State's home field) They were so cool about the whole thing.. I am so ready to see the video.. But hey all good things are worth waiting for, right? I know this one will be.. I am feeling a little better.. This is a bittersweet time for me.. The niece that lives with me is graduating (with Honors) which is great but the bad part is that her dad should be here for her.. I knwo that he is up there watching but it is just so unfair. My bad I got off on a rant.. Thank you for being you.. Love You PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 1:09 pm
Topic: RE: How great is this??
It was really nice.. I had a good day.. I was suprised.. Hell, Randy White had to get up and get something out of his truck and he told me not to get up because he wanted to finish the conversation.. That was so cool.. My date is also on the Birthday of my angel's youngest son.. I was worried that she might not be able to go see me but she assured me she would be there.. Is she great or what?? I am so ready to be a loser.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 5:41 am
Topic: RE: A Day for Us!!!
You see you didn't want to approach me.. that is called ugliness.. lol.. But intimidated was just a nice was you of saying it.. LMAO.. Jeni you could approach me anytime you wanted.. I was speaking to another lady on here about me being me being scared of her.. She laughed at me and called me crazy.. lol.. But although I am big I am still scared.. Have a good day.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 3:04 am
Topic: RE: A Day for Us!!!
Well I guess I know that I am not in that group.. Hopefully I will be there next year... But Adasha you are mos def in that group.. Hell I would be you are the President of the group.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 12:19 am
Topic: RE: How great is this??
Sunshine you don't know how ready I am.. My niece has been asking me if the surgery is safe.. she is only nine but she knows a lot since her sister was born with trisomy 13.. She just wants to make sure that her uncle Shrek is okay.. I told her all she is concerned about is me being okay so I can buy her more stuff... Thank you for all the well wishes and God Bless You.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 12:14 am
Topic: RE: How great is this??
It was so funny when I left they said we'll see you next year, and I said no you will hopefully see half of me next year.. lol.. They both said that they knew people who have had the surgery but they didn't know the details of the surgery.. So I help fill them in.. I hope the surgery is a breeze.. but I know it will be tough.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 12:10 am
Topic: RE: How great is this??
Yes the Cowboys are the GREATEST.. I have my grandmother to blame for that addiction.. I was talking to them about that too how at five my grandmother had me watching the games with her.. Man I love that lady.. It is getting close isn't it.. Strange to think that I am so close to a major milestone.. I think I have been named Studly Ramon or soon to be Shrinking Dawg since I am Big Dawg 2 right now.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/26/04 12:07 am
Topic: RE: How great is this??
I really had a good time and plus I got to talk to my angel for about 30 minutes that day so that made it even better.. Rachel, you are the greatest..
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/25/04 11:34 pm
Topic: RE: How great is this??
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/25/04 11:28 pm
Topic: RE: How great is this??
On Monday, I was lucky enough to be able to volunteer my time at the Bob Lilly/ Randy White golf tournament benefiting the Ronald McDonald House in Temple. First of all, if any of you are Dallas Cowboy fans you will recognize those names right off but if not they are two members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame the played for the GREATEST NFL franchise the five-time World Champion Dallas Cowboys. (Can you all tell I am Cowboy fan yet?) Well that in itself would be great to just hang out with them two but I actually sat and discussed my surgery with them.. We talked about what all was going to happen and the entire procedure.. Now, like most men I did talk about football but these two guys kept asking me questions about the surgery and I thought that was so cool.. Mr. Lilly and Mr. White still look like they could line up and play tomorrow if they had to again and will probably never need the surgery but they both stated that it was neat to see a big mean looking man doing something to improve himself.. And that is what this surgery is all about to me, a new and improved Ramon to be able to do things with my nephews and nieces and hopefully kids of my own one day.. Have a GREAT day.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/19/04 2:53 pm
Topic: RE: State Msg Brd
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/19/04 2:34 pm
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/19/04 2:23 pm
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/19/04 2:11 pm
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/19/04 2:00 pm
Topic: RE: State Msg Brd
Mija-- You are welcomed in the Great state of Texas anytime.. Feel free to come over anytime.. You can shke that groove thing over here anytime.. I hope you enjoyed the conference as much as I enjoyed having you there.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/19/04 5:27 am
Topic: RE: Have you ever thought about????
I was going to use that analogy.. Hell I was thinking Kirk has lost a PRE-OP ME.. Because on July 7th that will all start to change. And hopefully by the end of it I will be carrying about 250 less than my orginal weight in November. HAVE A GOOD DAY.. PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/19/04 12:53 am
Topic: RE: My photography
Yvonne-- Everytime I see your pics I still go back to the first time I emailed you and how I was suprised that you emailed back.. I can honestly say that you have no comparision when it comes to championing the cause of WLS. I can only speak for me, but it seems to be everyone's opinion, but I think you are one of the greatest people I have ever met. Thank you for being you.. MAY GOD BLESS YOU AS MUCH AS HE DID ME WHEN HE GAVE ME YOUR FRIENDSHIP PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 3:19 pm
Topic: RE: A special thanks to the TMB and OH People
I have to say I loved it after I got there and didn't want to leave.. But I had stuff to do the next day.. I am glad you went.. If you were like me it stroked your ego to be around people that really didn't care what you looked like and all.. Well since I didn't break it maybe you can send me a copy..lol I need a new pic for my OH site.. Thanks for the kind words like I have said in my other posts.. I haven't had my pics taken that much in a long time.. I know you looked great becasue I said the same thing about my pics and people liked them.. lol PEACE
Da Shrinking Dawg

on 5/18/04 4:59 am
Topic: RE: Waco Support Groups
Cheryl you forgot sexy, good looking and studly.. LMAO.. J/K
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