The NIGH****CHMAN - 6/2 - Wednesday
Had a great day with her. Nothing busy, just doing stuff.
Be back later.
Just a reminder, you need to TAKE YOUR VITAMINS AND SUPPLEMENTS and make sure you get your daily allotment of PROTEIN.
If you are new to the board, this link explains what the NIGHT WATCHMAN is (if you are interested). Otherwise, just read on, you will probably figure it out anyway.****CH MAN-Thursday-and-a-plea/
Prayer requests are listed below:
Continue to keep your thoughts and prayers for the members of our Armed Forces serving around the world, especially during this time of increased awareness. Please thank God for these men and women every day. In addition, please keep the wives and family members in your thoughts.
PEOPLE SEEKING EMPLOYMENT: Pray not just for employment, but also that they adjust to the stress the lack of employment brings.
Nina - daughter looking for a third job to make ends meet
Vivian asks for Jonathan - Looking for full time work
Sarah448 asks for her son
Upcoming Surgeries/current hospitalization:
Recovering from Surgery:
Other prayer requests:
Avis requests prayer for John C. and his family. John lost his mother on Saturday 5/29.
Anne (Lalocaweta) requests prayer her family. Her son's grandmother (ex's mother) passed away on 5/31.
Cajungirl (Dana) requests prayer for her family for guidance, peace and understanding during a current family situation. Also, her sister will be undergoing surgery because her Titanium plate broke.
George - requests prayer for Geraldine. Seems to be doing a little better. She is getting ready to go spend a week or two with her family in Mississippi to give her husband a break.
Gina L. - Requests prayer for Baby JJ (her great-nephew). He is undergoing a 2nd surgery Monday morning (5/17) to remove the other brain tumor. The tumor increased by 33% after 6 rounds of chemo. His full name is Jason Kyle Barberee, Jr. This is the same baby that lost his 18 year old Mom in January
Jennifer - prayer for the sale of their house in San Antonio. They are in the process of changing real estate agents, hopefully this will help the house move.
Karen the Papaya Queen asks we pray for her son and his kids. Parental rights to the children were lost. He may get custody of the girl, which would open the door to him getting the boys. The decision is under appeal.
Kris M. asks for prayer for Charlene and her family during this difficult time.
MariPW also asks for prayer for her pending move back to Texas in May.
Michelle S. - Michelle's mother started chemo on 5/21. She is suffering some normal side effects (tired and no appetite). Prayers for her as she continues in this battle. Also continue praying for her family's various other health issues.
Nina - Pray for cousin, that he be guided in the right direction with his marraige.
Phyllis requests prayer for her co-worker Norma B.who may be out of work for 3-4 months. Also, pray for Phyllis and her daughter, Amanda, as Amanda has decided to move out on her own.
Vivian - son, Jonathan, had car broken into and several items stolen in addition to the damage to the car. Prayers while he tries to find the funds to replace the items.
Today was my first day back at work in nearly a week. All of my stitches and bone grafts from my oral surgery came out last Thursday night, so Friday I ended up back at the dentist and only spent a couple hours at the office. Then the holiday weekend and I took yesterday off as we were supposed to be returning from our anniversary trip to Austin.
Work is very slow which I hate. It was very hard going back knowing I wasn't going to be busy.
The weekend was very relaxing. I'm disappointed that we had to cancel our anniversary trip because I was having so much pain and complications in my mouth.
I did get to spend a couple hours at Steph's on Saturday though and that was very fun catching up with some old friends and meeting some of the newbies.
I see the dentist one more time tomorrow to make sure everything is healing properly and then I'm done until the bone heals completely in 3-6 months.
Prayers for all who need them.
253 / 140 (below goal)
If I were lying, wouldn't my pants be on fire?!?
Yeah, I was going to start the NW yesterday but got sidetracked with one of the girls (ALWAYS drama it seems before Sarah goes to bed) so I never got back on. Oh well, you do it best anyway! I am sure I would have tossed a huge monkey wrench into it...
Tomorrow is the girls' last day of school. More like half-day though. Heather gets about a week off and then she starts her summer school Economics class. Blech. What an icky class to have to take. Oh well, better to take it during summer and be done with it in like less than two weeks instead of having to pain-stakingly draw it out over an entire semester. Ewwww....
Heather is actually done with school already. The only exams tomorrow are for their 4th and 5th period classes and her nursing class is one she was able to exempt so she did. If both are exempt, they don't have to go in. V has one exam and then will be ready to go home by like 9:30 am. Sarah gets out at 12:40 so home by 1:00.
Ok, I'd better run. Huge storm racing this way so need to get the pooch out before it hits!
Ok, gotta go figure out what I have to take up to the school for the "last day of teacher" gift....