DFW Employer Paying Employees to Lose Weight
Saw this on Channel 5 news about Baylor Health Care Systems .. :
http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/health/Get-Paid-to-Lose-Weight-90 741549.html
http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/health/Get-Paid-to-Lose-Weight-90 741549.html
Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )
You just have to sign up and participate in the program... not actually try to do anything about it. They have several others. I've been doing them for years since they started. $10 off your insurance costs per payperiod for taking a questionaire. $75 for participating in this program, $50 for that one... it all adds up.