Fantastic Friday-WLS Express
WOOOOHOOOO for Friday! I'm up and at 'em and already working hard, ugh... I would say I'm going to the Rangers game tomorrow, but I don't get to go

Prayers are going up for all that need them!
I saw this group when they came to Arbor Days once, and I sang along to every song.... Here's The Grass Roots' I'd Wait a Million Years......
All of the lonely nights
Waiting for you to come, longing to hold you tight
I need you so desperately
Waiting for you to come bringing your love to me [but]
I'd wait a million years
Walk a million miles, cry a million tears
I'd swim the deepest sea
Climb the highest hill, just to have you near me
As love is reality
When you are near to me, I am in ecstacy
I'd swallow the pain and pride
Baby, I just can't hide all that I feel inside [and]
I'd wait a million years
Walk a million miles, cry a million tears
I'd swim the deepest sea
Climb the highest hill, just to have you near me
A million years, I would wait for you
A million tears, baby I'd be true
A million miles, I would follow you
A million years, if you want me to
Pacing the floor, detest
Sweat pouring down my chest, still I can't love you less
It's worth all the pain and pride
Baby, I just can't hide all that I feel inside [and]
I'd wait a million years
Walk a million miles, cry a million tears
I'd swim the deepest sea
Climb the highest hill, just to have you near me
Ya'll have a great day my friends!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
Tonight-no plans that I know of. Tomorrow is Rise and Shine and then my neice Maya's soccer game at 11am. Chris has a soccer game at 6pm that night. He really likes soccer which is great. Sunday no plans yet. The house needs a good cleaning so I'll be doing that. I cleaned the kitchen yesterday so its a start.
I hope everyone has a great day today!
my mom is here for 3 weeks - Rach turned 2 last weekend - she got to open her gifts on webcam with Daddy and those of you who know Tim will love what "his" girl got - a nerf battle ax to go with all the pink princess stuff including a quilt I finished the night before for her
school is going well for me - have one paper left to write today and then I am off to Lowes to get stuff for a huge container garden - containers, gravel, soil, soaker hose and timer and lattice - after that is all set up then I will go back and get PLANTS - I am excited I love gardening and have not had a good garden in 4 years since we left El Paso - now this is based on the fact that we are stuck in Ga for the next 5 years so I am willing to put out the money to set it all up
kids are doing well -teen is in drivers ed this week and will be 16 next month - I am so ready for that kid to have a dl so he can do some of the driving - K is just being a little boy 100% LOL running and having run with life - loving having grammy here and having spring break and beautiful weather so he can run outside and play with friends - same with little girl
staying busy - school, kids, their school, FRG and as much time as possible chattig and talking with Tim
and Tim is enrolled in college to and should start nlt 27April!!!
hope everyone is having a great week
life is good

I know what I need to do - I have to choose to take care of me or I choose to fail
Good morning! It's been a busy week, and today promises to continue that tradition. I need to velcro my butt to my chair at work and hang a "Go Away" sign around my neck. Yesterday was constant "damage control"..and it wasn't even MY damage, but the "mama" in me seems to have a way of calming people damn, putting out fires, and helping family members cope with hard decisions...but it's all time consuming...and the "regular" Medicare crap on my desk ain't getting done...sigh...whine...crap...
My weekend plans HOPEFULLY include some hospice work. I didn't work any last weekend, so really need/want to now. I never know who/what/when/where--that's the nature of agency work--so I just go prepared to go somewhere tonight, and if nothing comes up, I just grag everything back home...
Boot camp went well this week, even with the uncooperative knee. I'm getting stronger and I SWEAR I see some muscle definition under the fat/skin--it may be my imagination--but--it looks better to ME, so I'm claiming it....
Prayers all around-and I don't take that casusally. My daily prayer life with my Father is very important to me. You're all in it-whether you ask or not!
Hope everyone has at least one FANTASTIC thing happen to them today...
Gina AKA Nurse Diva
RNY 4-22-02...
LW: 6lb,10 oz SW:340lb GW:170lb CW:155
We Can Do Hard Things
Plenty of paperwork to keep me busy at work. I can find all kinds of things to do at home if I WANTED to!
Prayers for Eric and Michelle's mom, Jenny's mom and Debra's son and all others who need them.
Have a great Friday!
Karla Lewis 337/194/175
Lap RNY 1-23-2006 Dr. Terry Scarborough Houston, TX
Lipo 4-27-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
LBL 11-13-2007 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
BL & brachioplasty 7-18-2008 Dr. David Wainwright Houston, TX
Having a HELLA time with migraines this week. I have lost track of how man days this one has lasted. Im puking almost everything even with phenergan. Went to doc yesterda and she referred me to a neuro. (what a novel concept). lol. Im actually looking forward to this as im praying this will bring me answers and relief.
To add to this.. im off to florida after work to deal with the ***** sister as my neice is celebrating first communion (for the non Catholics, gooogle it) and my neice called me about amonth ago and asked me to please come. So.. what does a good auntie do? find a cheap flight, bite the bullet and go. Sooo after work tonite no less, im hopping a flight to florida. I land at 1130pm, then drive 45 minutes to the *****es house. Then fly home sunday night. Please pray for a smooth weekend for me. Most of you know the history there and im sure this isnt helping my migraine at all!!!
Everyone have a wonderful day.... and i will miss you all this weekend!
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice