Monday WLS EXpress
Jeff and I went to Bye Bye Baby and wandered around a bit on Saturday. There is so much STUFF out there, and I'm fairly certain most of it is unnecessary! LOL. It was fun looking at things, but we likely won't get really into the window shopping till after we move. We took 3 boxes of books up to 1/2 price, and I've got one box of kitchen stuff ready to go to the church garage sale. Hopefully tonight I'll make some more progress on the decluttering.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!
Good Morning OH Family!
Yep......I'm alive and kicking...well with one foot anyway the other is still broke. lol Fell down the front steps on ice last Saturday broke foot and pulled neck and back muscles. Finally went to the Dr last Monday tried to work on Wed but haven't been cleared to go back yet. I go back today for a re-check. Hated that I missed the girl time this weekend, just too much going on around the home front. I'm not so crazy about my new position at work I liked the old one better, but grateful to have a stable job. I think I might start kinda shooting my resume' around a little bit. Makes me wonder,cause lots of people at work keep saying "You don't look like you would work at a casino" hummmm? I'm finally holding steady on the weight, for a while I has really below goal or about 5lbs above it. Weighed this morning and I'm right at goal. We adopted two puppies this weekend from a shelter. I thought two could keep each other company while we are at work. They are 1/2 Boston Terrier and 1/2 ? I wanted two girls but they had 1 girl and 1 boy from the same litter. The little boy was the runt,he is the sassy one lol she is really sweet and loves to just lay on your lap. I'll post pics on my facebook. I really miss my peeps need to find time to reconnect. Well I better go jump in the shower before I go to the Dr don't want to offend anyone.
Your loved!
TOM and QUE are true angels to my kids I would be in big trouble because they want to put the big butts on my furniture they have been putting their big butts all over everything!!! ick!
When I was born, I cried and the world rejoiced. Now i wanna live my life so that when I die, the world cries and I rejoice
They are the best behaved dogs in the world. Barron stays out most days, that is going to be your problem when you take him back. He is an outside dog now.
We love having them so GET OVER IT!!
Be Kinder than Necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.