I need HELP
Is that the same as Go-Lightly? If so,
is right .. !
I asked my surgeon prior to my colonoscopy if I could mix something with the Go-Lightly to make it more "tolerable" .. Since my Go-Lightly was orange-flavored, I asked about possibly mixing it with sugar-free Tang. The surgeon gave me the go-ahead, after explaining to me that the orange color of the Tang would not affect his ability to view my "insides" accurately .
I tried "Operation Tang", but I still had problems with the horrible aftertaste of the Go-Lightly after drinking each cup. That's where "Part II" came into effect, which was to suck on one of those little round white & red striped mints in between the cups .. That took the bad "edge" off the aftertaste, making the next cup at least bearable ..
Good luck on your revision surgery, btw .. !

I asked my surgeon prior to my colonoscopy if I could mix something with the Go-Lightly to make it more "tolerable" .. Since my Go-Lightly was orange-flavored, I asked about possibly mixing it with sugar-free Tang. The surgeon gave me the go-ahead, after explaining to me that the orange color of the Tang would not affect his ability to view my "insides" accurately .
I tried "Operation Tang", but I still had problems with the horrible aftertaste of the Go-Lightly after drinking each cup. That's where "Part II" came into effect, which was to suck on one of those little round white & red striped mints in between the cups .. That took the bad "edge" off the aftertaste, making the next cup at least bearable ..

Good luck on your revision surgery, btw .. !
Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )